Video By Nitza, Naturally Episode 4

The Art Of Bed-Making

The Art Of Bed-Making

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Chaya Berman
Chaya Berman
4 months ago

can you please do one about organizing bathrooms?

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Chana Fox
Reply to  Chaya Berman
3 months ago

Hi Chaya, That’s a great idea! I will pass along that suggestion to our team. Thanks!

Malki Grunwald
Malki Grunwald
6 months ago

Best tip in my 19 years of homemaking!
I love my home and take pride in it! I must admit that beds get made 5 out of seven days but now I keep a spray bottle with a bit of washing softener in it in my bedroom and it gives the perfect fresh scent and my room looks like a hotel!
Thank you and keep them coming don’t read the negative comments!!!

lassberg leah
lassberg leah
9 months ago

why is everyone against this show why does no one apreciate her are you jealous that she has the time to make beds? is that why you have to spread lashon hara around nitza is perfect some of you are not but even though plz keep your thoughts to yourself

10 months ago

I am a “sworn” member of the messy-bed-society but this video is really useful for when I make the guest beds! I never thought there was an easy way to take out the wrinkles, looking forward to trying it.

Zissy Koplowitz
Zissy Koplowitz
10 months ago

Lack of tznius??? Please explain

Connie Westman
Connie Westman
Reply to  Zissy Koplowitz
10 months ago
there is nothing innapropriate about making a bed , and it seens to me her collerbone, elbows and knees dont show .....
Reply to  Zissy Koplowitz
10 months ago

Which part is not tznius?

10 months ago

Loved watching this. I appreciate a nicely set table and I would love to make bed this way. Realistically I am happy if I make my bed in the morning altogether. So this video is not going to happen to my beds any time soon, but I enjoyed seeing it nonetheless! I appreciate a balabusta!!!

molly Mirrorstein
molly Mirrorstein
10 months ago

Terrible video. Lacking in Tznius and hashkafa!

Connie Westman
Connie Westman
Reply to  molly Mirrorstein
10 months ago
think of a better pen-name next time you post
lassberg leah
lassberg leah
Reply to  Connie Westman
9 months ago


lassberg leah
lassberg leah
Reply to  molly Mirrorstein
9 months ago

lashon hara mirror

10 months ago

A famous General Admiral William McRaven once said:

If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made—that you made—and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”

Thanks Nittza it’s a lost art today! However with awareness we remind our children, it’s good midos to make your bed:)

10 months ago

Lol! watched it on 2x!

Malky Kaufman
Malky Kaufman
10 months ago

I love this show! Such a refreshing change from cooking, cooking, and more cooking (and coming from a person that actually loves to cook!) Hey, I probably wont be doing this every day at this stage in my life, but its great for a day when i want to spoil myself! so informative! keep these shows comin

10 months ago

This is seriously the most ridiculous video, it’s really stunning but hey my home isn’t a hotel. It’s a home where we live in and are busy with other things then making sure my bed is perfectly made just a few hours before gonna use it again.
Also I did not appreciate the criticism about the people who don’t make their bed. Since when is this a marketing show?
Anyway, dear, please stick to food related shows.
But again it was entertaining.

Reply to  esthe
10 months ago

I do this every day. Yes my home isn’t a hotel but why cant I feel like my home should be more than just a home it can be a fancy place to be too!

Reply to  esthe
10 months ago

I feel the same about not appreciating the criticism. Just because making beds is good, does not make the people who do not, bad…
But about the video on a whole, maybe for some people it is worth it to make their bed extra neatly even though they are going to be sleeping again in another few hours? Most of us do the same in regards to sweeping the floor the night before our kids will get it full of cereal again the next morning… etc
Just because it is not worth it to you, does not mean that it does not provide value to others.
Having a neat surroundings really effects a persons menuchas hanefesh. Obviously if you are too busy for this in your life right now, you should not do it.
While you wait for that alternate reality which may never come, you can take this video and use it to help you make your guest beds look extra neat!