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Wondering what's the best option to use for your gluten-free, kosher for Passover schnitzel? Esty takes on the job of testing 5 different types of Passover crumbs to see which one is the best! It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!
Watch the Face-Off between:
Gefen Nut Crumbs: Seasoned Mix
Gefen Nut Crumbs: Spicy
Gefen Nut Crumbs: Mediterranean
Heaven and Earth Crisp Veggie Crumbs
Haddar Passover Pretzel Crumbs
Esty will give you her real take on each type of crumb (with some help from her family) and you'll find out which is the best!
Let's get frying. Happy Passover!
For more with Esty, watch Easy Does It With Esty Wolbe!
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Hi, can there be more taste testing videos like these?
Hi, I will most definitely pass along that request! -Chana Tzirel from Kosher.com