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There’s never a dull moment with Rabbi Sholom H. Adler - Senior Kashrus Administrator at Earth Kosher. But what do you do when your knife gets dull? Let’s learn what to look out for when having your knife professionally sharpened.
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I found the knife sharpening episode very interesting. I am a home cook at a very high level and I have knives that are quite expensive and I am definitely not throwing them out when they get dull. The average color coded Jewish hardware/houseware store knives are very inexpensive and one can buy numerous varieties of them and replace them as needed. With websites such as Kosher.com being so popular, home cooks are getting into the professional cooking arena which goes along with having professional style expensive knives as suggested by the kosher influencers/chefs. I have my own knife sharpener at home and have never engaged a ‘knife sharpening truck’. By the way, they are still a thing and there is a truck that frequents my neighborhood on a monthly basis but I have never used it because of the Kashrus issues.