
Recipe by Victoria Dwek

Tutti-Fruity Ice Cream

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
8 Servings


- Egg

The Golden Flow fruit smoothies were on my regular shopping list all summer long as a special “drink” we’d have in the house for Shabbat (my kids would try to hide the containers from the guests. I’d have to unhide them and promise I’d buy more if they let their friends have too). They also work great for making a refreshing semifreddo-style ice cream dessert, saving the usual step of pureeing frozen fruits.


For the Ice Cream

  • 3 egg yolks (pasteurized)

For Fruit Coulis

  • 1 cup Golden Flow Strawberry Banana or Tropical Mango Smoothie

For Garnish


Make the Ice Cream


In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat whipped topping until stiff. Add Smoothie, sugar, and egg yolks. Pour into a loaf pan (or any desired container) and freeze until stiff.


Prepare the fruit coulis. Place the smoothie in a small saucepan. Simmer until smoothie reduces and thickens to a thick, sauce-like consistency.


Press in whole and crushed meringues when ice cream is partially set. Drizzle with fruit sauce (you can swirl it in if you like, or simply leave it on top). Keep frozen until ready to serve.

Tutti-Fruity Ice Cream

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8 months ago

Yum! Made this now for the second time. Fills a 9×13 beautifully. This time I stirred in some chopped meringues so it’s not only on top and you get some in every bite, and added some strawberries chopped small instead of the coulis. Tastes gourmet and really special!

Blimi Getter
Blimi Getter
6 years ago

Delicious and pretty too Since we don’t have Golden Flow smoothie in London, I subbed by cooking up apricot jam and adding frozen blackcurrants once jam had dissolved. The tangy taste of the blackcurrants really elevated the ice cream into something special!

Chaia Frishman
Chaia Frishman
Reply to  Blimi Getter
6 years ago

Whoa Blimi! That sounds amazing! Thanks for that idea.