
Recipe by Tamar Ansh

The Best Gefilte Fish Ever

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Parve Parve
Medium Medium
8 Servings


- Egg
1 Hour, 30 Minutes

I created this recipe one year when Erev Pesach, the fish store near me had a sale on salmon, the only catch being that one had to buy the whole fish. For no extra charge, the store offered I could have the fish prepared however I liked, so I chose to have him grind up the section nearest the tail end, a part of the fish my kids will not normally eat. When it came to the house, all pink and fresh looking, I couldn’t resist trying something newer with it. I followed the basic rules for gefilte fish but changed several things about it – and the results were fantastic!



  • 2–3 medium carrots, peeled

  • 2 medium onions, peeled

  • 5 whole eggs, divided

  • 2 and 1/4 pounds (1 kilo) ground fish, i.e. carp or cassif (silver carp), or a half-half mix; or a mix of whitefish and pike


  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 1 onion, peeled and halved

  • 1 carrot, peeled

  • 2–3 fish bones or fish heads (optional)


Prepare the Gefilte Fish


Grind the carrots and onions in a food processor together with two of the eggs until it is smooth.


Put the remaining ingredients into a large mixer bowl and add the blended vegetable mixture to it. Beat this together for 15 minutes on medium speed until it is well mixed and has a thick consistency.


Cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, or overnight if necessary, before shaping. The mixture can be shaped into balls and cooked right away, or frozen into logs for later use.


Fill a large pot halfway with water. The pot should have room for the fish to expand. Add the ingredients for the broth. When the broth is boiling rapidly, add the fish. Cover the pot halfway, turn down the flame to low, and simmer for about an hour and a half. If you are using frozen fish logs, follow the same directions for the broth, and after the water boils, remove the paper or plastic covering while it is still frozen and place the log in the water.


After the fish is cooked, place it in a large plastic container together with some broth and vegetables. To keep the fish balls from getting squashed while storing them, lay them out in a single layer. Serve with chrein and homemade mayo as usual!!


Photography by Sharon Bentov   Recipe excerpted from Tamar Ansh’s Pesach cookbook that is completely non-Gebrochts and gluten-free, PESACH- Anything’s Possible! This year when you use this link to buy the book, (or you get it in Jerusalem from me directly) you will get an amazing bonus of a gorgeous menu planner based on the book with ideas for the first AND last days of Pesach. [Are you in Jerusalem but can’t get out? Shanky’s is selling my book online, here]
Like what you’ve read? Keep in touch, and get your **free** Pesach Ebook, with over 11 recipes NOT featured in my cookbook, by clicking right here!!

The Best Gefilte Fish Ever

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Leora Grodzinski
Leora Grodzinski
3 years ago

it says 5 eggs diveded but only mentions using 2 eggs once

Mark your comment as a question
Reply to  Leora Grodzinski
3 years ago

The rest of the eggs go in step 2 where it says ‘remaining ingredients’

3 years ago

I don’t understand : wgich ingrédients are dor the fisch balls and which for the broth?

Reply to  Marc
3 years ago


2–3 medium carrots, peeled

2 medium onions, peeled

5 whole eggs, divided

2 and 1/4 pounds (1 kilo) ground fish, i.e. carp or cassif (silver carp), or a half-half mix; or a mix of whitefish and pike

1/2 cup sugar

3 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon Gefen Black Pepper


1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup sugar

1 onion, peeled and halved

1 carrot, peeled

2–3 fish bones or fish heads (optional)