
Recipe by Danielle Renov

The Best Baked Ziti

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Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
6 Servings


- Dairy

Always trying to find the perfect easy dinner? Look no further than Danielle’s tried and tested Baked Ziti. You won’t want to miss her tips for taking it from good to an unbelievable weekly staple. Watch here!


Main ingredients

  • 1 (1-pound) bag Gefen Penne

  • 2 (15-ounce) cans Gefen Tomato Sauce

  • 1/4 cup ricotta cheese (not cottage cheese)

  • 3 tablespoons butter, cubed, divided

  • 3 tablespoons salt (or to taste), divided

  • 1 teaspoon Gefen Black Pepper

  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional)

  • 3–4 cups shredded mozzarella, divided


Prepare the Baked Ziti


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).


Bring a large pot of water to boil. Once water is boiling add two tablespoons salt and pasta.


Meanwhile, butter a nine- by 13-inch dish or aluminum pan. Directly to the pan add tomato sauce, ricotta cheese, two tablespoons of the butter, two cups shredded cheese, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.


Before draining pasta, remove 1/2 cup pasta water and add to the pan with the rest of the ingredients. Stir to combine.


Add cooked pasta to the pan and stir to fully coat every single piece.


Top the pasta with one to two cups shredded mozzarella (depending on how cheesy you like it).


Scatter remaining tablespoon of cubed butter over the top.


Bake for 40–45 minutes until the top is golden brown and bubbly.

The Best Baked Ziti

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Shifra Weissberger
Shifra Weissberger
1 month ago

this is delicious and easy to make but the measurements for salt and pepper are definitely off. Can the recipe be edited?

Shifra Weissberger
Shifra Weissberger
1 month ago
D. Schiff
D. Schiff
3 years ago

Ricotta cheese replacement Even here in Monsey, NY I am not always able to find ricotta cheese. Is there anything else that is more commonly available that I can replace it with?

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Reply to  D. Schiff
3 years ago

Even though it is recommended to use Ricotta, you can use cottage cheese or farmers cheese (which is a bit dryer than cottage cheese). It works fine.

Reply to  En}o}wah
3 years ago

Try blending cottage cheese 🙂
Depending on the recipe, farmer cheese may work as well.

Reply to  Cnonymoudman
3 years ago

I tried it tonight with cottage cheese (plain, without blending it) instead of ricotta cheese. It came out just as yummy BH & it ALL WENT! Thank you so much for your suggestion below Esther Leah!

devorah katz
devorah katz
5 years ago

freeze can I freeze this? at what point?

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Reply to  devorah katz
5 years ago

When it’s cooked you can freeze it.

5 years ago

Ricotta cheese replacement Looks good. Can i use sour cream (in Israel, shamenet) to replace the ricotta cheese? If so how much and which fat amount do you recommed?

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Reply to  sara
5 years ago

This might help. First of all you can get ricotta in most large supermarkets, by “Gad” cheese with a Rubin hechsher. The shamenet would be too runny. You could mix it with farmers cheese (Tov Ta’am- 3%)/ Or use cottage cheese. The ricotta is not cheap, nor is the Tov Ta’am, so if your problem is budget, stick with cottage. And I know that Danielle likes the ricotta better, and I’m not contradicting her because basically she is right, but I made lasagna with cottage instead of ricotta, and it turned out fine. The choice is of course yours.

Reply to  En}o}wah
5 years ago

You can also use an immersion blender to blend up the cottage cheese.

5 years ago

Salt? Made this recipe was delicious but very salty. Was I suppose to use Kosher salt instead of regular salt or was the tbsp suppose to be tsps?

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Reply to  Fraidy
5 years ago

I looked at the video and Danielle added salt by hand and sprinkled, it looked like no more than a teaspoon each time. Watch it again and you will see.

5 years ago

Israel Riccotta Cheese YUM! Where can you get ricotta cheese in Israel? or what is the equivalent?

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Reply to  Devorah
5 years ago

ריקוטה- גד

It comes in a blue container

Reply to  sooymous
5 years ago

I use cottage cheese in a pinch.

Reply to  Cnooymow{shman
5 years ago

As Sarah said, you can find ricotta cheese by the “Gad” company, in most of the large supermarkets, such as Yesh, Osher Ad, Shuk Ha’ir, etc., and even in some of the neighborhood stores. But the ricotta is quite expensive, and as Chaia stated it is possible to use cottage cheese instead. I used cottage cheese in lasagna and it was fine. Good luck.

Sima Bamberger
Sima Bamberger
1 year ago

This recipe is truly amazing, but i noticed that 3 T of salt is definitely a mistake. The first time i made this recipe, I spent time making 2 batches of the recipe with 3 T of salt and it wasnt edible. I strongly recommend you change it in the ingredients section of the recipe so other people dont have to spend all the time only to have made this mistake and not be able to enjoy the delicious recipe that it is.

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Sima Bamberger
1 year ago

3 T salt most likely is a typo. When I decreased the salt content to a sprinkling (probably about a teaspoonful, not more than that) when boiling the water & 2 teaspoons when mixing with sauce, etc, everyone here felt it was just right.

Raizy Weinfeld
Raizy Weinfeld
1 year ago

Yummy. I used marinara sauce instead of tomato sauce and spices, cause was easier for me. Thanks for this easy basic recipe.

2 years ago

This really is the best baked ziti,and has become a staple in our home. Thank you!

Chavi Wajsfeld
Chavi Wajsfeld
2 years ago

Best ziti ever! making it for my third time!
thanks so much!

Nechama R
Nechama R
2 years ago

The only baked ziti recipe I use! I skip the ricotta.

Raizy Jawitz
Raizy Jawitz
3 years ago

This is now my always goto baked ziti. So easy, and it’s always scrumptious.
We love it, even our mom, who never eats anything spicy.
Thank you Danielle and Kosher.com.

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Raizy Jawitz
2 years ago

This is also my go to baked ziti! EVERYONE here loves it! Even my husband who’s not a noodles & cheese fan loves it!

Aidy Sternhill
Aidy Sternhill
3 years ago

I’ve made this so many times, I keep thinking it’s my own recipe already! Perfectly divine

3 years ago

not good have had MUCH better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
2024 years ago

Salt Content Even though I gave this a five star rating (because of taste, texture, smell, etc), I & others here still felt that 3 TABLESPOONS of salt was too much. Perhaps this might have been a typo? So I decreased it to about 3 TEAspoons (actually a sprinkling the first time- probably about a teaspoon or so) then 2 teaspoons the second time. We all felt it tasted MUCH better this way.

michal weller
michal weller
2024 years ago

the best baked ziti!!!

4 years ago

The best baked ziti I was shocked from the outcome!! I was never a baked ziti fan but this recipe was amazing! Can’t wait to make it again!! Thanks Danielle!

Malky Kaufman
Malky Kaufman
4 years ago

THE BEST ZITI!!! Made this for my fam a while ago, and hubby, who usually claims ziti is a kids food, declared it heavenly. Will be making again tonight for dinner iy”H. Thanks Danielle!!

Reply to  Malky Kaufman
4 years ago

We are so happy to hear that you and your family enjoyed this recipe!

2024 years ago

Easy to make Was delicious! I used spaghetti (cuz that’s what I had at home) and it came out awesome!

Reply to  Devoiry
5 years ago

Good to know that it works well with pasta too! We’re glad that you enjoyed this recipe!