
Recipe by Rivky Kleiman

Sweet Potato Muffins for Pesach

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
18 Servings


- Tree nuts - Egg

I developed a sweet potato muffin for The Bais Yaakov Cookbook 2. My family loved it so much that I challenged myself to make it kosher l’Pesach. This muffin is so fluffy and delicious you won’t believe it’s not chometzdig.



  • 3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed

  • egg

  • 1/2 cup neutral oil

  • 3/4 cup potato starch

  • 1/4 cup coconut flour or Gefen Almond Flour

  • 1 cup sugar


Make the Muffins


Place sweet potatoes in a medium pot. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook for 15–20 minutes until fork tender. Drain well. Mash finely and set aside to cool.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease 18 muffin cavities and set aside.


Add egg and oil to cooled sweet potato. Whisk to combine.


Stir all dry ingredients into sweet potatoes and mix until completely combined. Fill prepared muffin cups two-thirds of the way full, approximately two tablespoons of batter.


Bake for 22–25 minutes on the center rack of the oven, or until a toothpick comes out clean.


If you don’t use baking soda or baking powder on Pesach, beat a few egg whites and fold them in after you’ve added the dry ingredients. The muffins won’t rise the same way, but they’ll still be delicious.
Sweet Potato Muffins for Pesach

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e g
e g
1 month ago

Delicious! On my Pesach recipe repeat list. I made them in mini (baked around 15 min) and everyone enjoyed them! I didn’t even have enough left to serve at a meal since everyone just snacked on them 🙂 I cut down some sugar, wish I had taken more out. They were super sweet. Thanks for a yum recipe!!

Nava Meltz
Nava Meltz
2 years ago

can this recipe be made without sugar? can the sugar be swapped for honey / silan / maple syrup?

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Bracha K
Bracha K
4 years ago

Too Little Starch I’ve made this recipe from the BY cookbook and was excited to find this version for someone on a GF diet. The muffins barely rose and collapsed after I took them out of the oven. When I compared with the original recipe, I saw that it called from 2C flour, and this one only 3/4 C potato starch + 1/4 C almond flour = 1 C of starch. Is this possible that it needs more starch?


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Reply to  Bracha K
4 years ago

Here are some tips we thought of that would result in the muffins not coming out right.
Did you measure and level off the ingredients?
With Pesach recipes, I have learned that overmixing is not great for potato starch as it ends up settling on the bottom.
Did you drain the sweet potatoes very well as that is a very important step as well?
We hope these tips are helpful!

Sarah Baruch
Sarah Baruch
5 years ago

Kitniyos alert For Ashkenazim who don’t eat kitniyos on pesach, the oil should be switched, since canola oil is kitniyos.

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Reply to  Sarah Baruch
5 years ago

Thank you for letting us know.

2 years ago

These are sooooo good! My kids were gobbling them up so fast, I had to make a bunch more to have enough for yuntif. The only thing I would change is maybe I’ll try adding some more potato starch or almond flour next time because they were slightly gooey even after leaving them in the oven an extra five minutes.

rivky nadoff
rivky nadoff
2 years ago

Can I leave out the potato starch and use ground almonds insted ? Someone in my family can’t have potatoes

Anne Becker
Anne Becker
2 years ago

Can this be made with buttenut squash?

3 years ago

Made with carrots. A hit with the kids.

Diana Blatter
Diana Blatter
3 years ago

Truly enjoyed by my family and friends.

Betsy Bromberg
Betsy Bromberg
3 years ago

can they be frozen?

Reply to  Betsy Bromberg
3 years ago


4 years ago

Carrot Muffins We made this with carrots in stead and with the egg whites becasue we dont use baking powder/soda
came out delicious!

Reply to  Devora
4 years ago

We’re so happy to hear that you enjoyed this!

gitty normile
gitty normile
5 years ago

Great but for Pesach substitute a different oil Canola oil is not Kosher for Pesach. I used walnut oil and also I substituted carrots instead of sweet potatoes and ground almonds and everyone loved them! Thanks!

Reply to  gitty normile
5 years ago

Thank you for the feedback, we are so happy you enjoyed the recipe!