
Recipe by Leah Schapira

Sweet Potato and Pastrami Pockets

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
6 Servings


- Gluten - Soy - Egg
1 Hour, 20 Minutes

No Diets specified

Malawah or Malawach dough is a great choice for a dough to fill with your favorite appetizer. Originally a staple of Yemenite Jews, it consists of thin layers of puff pastry brushed with oil. You can find in the freezer section of any local supermarket. Since the dough is brushed with oil, the end result is much crispier than puff pastry. I imagine if you pan fry it, it would be extra amazing, but due to the calorie count, I decided against it. Malawah dough comes in eight-inch disks in a package containing six to seven rounds. It takes literally five to eight minutes to defrost, so don’t defrost too early. Once the dough has completely defrosted, it’s very difficult to work with.


Sweet Potato and Pastrami Pockets

  • 1 onion, diced

  • 3 tablespoons oil, such as Gefen Canola Oil

  • 2 cups sweet potato, diced into 1/2-inch cubes (about 1 large)

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1 cup pastrami, cut into 1/2-inch cubes (a little less than 1/2 pound)

Teriyaki Dipping Sauce

  • 1 teaspoon whiskey

Wine Pairing

Jezreel Syrah


Prepare the Sweet Potato and Pastrami Pockets


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.


In a skillet, sauté the onion in the oil for five minutes. Add the sweet potatoes, salt, and pepper. Cook for five to six minutes. Cover and continue cooking for five minutes (don’t open the pan). Mix and test one cube to make sure they are slightly soft.


Add the pastrami cubes, apricot jam, soy sauce, and parsley flakes.


Sauté to one to two minutes, stirring until all ingredients are well incorporated.


Defrost the dough for five to eight minutes. Using a rolling pin, roll out one sheet at a time into a 10-inch circle. Using a four-inch round cookie cutter, cut out four circles.


Place one tablespoon filling into the center of each circle. Fold dough in half and pinch ends close. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Alternatively, you can cut the dough into four parts and fold each triangle in half.


Brush with beaten egg. Bake for 20 minutes or until bottoms are just golden.


When re-warming in the oven, keep uncovered to prevent the pockets from becoming soggy.

Prepare the Teriyaki Dipping Sauce


Place soy sauce, sugar, and garlic into a small pot. Cook over medium heat for five to seven minutes.


Remove from heat and stir in whiskey.


Reproduced from Fresh & Easy by Leah Schapira with permission from the copyright holders ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications, LTD.

Sweet Potato and Pastrami Pockets

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25 days ago

This is a fantastic recipe!! Not too difficult to put together, combination of flavors is wow, and presentation is really impressive!

3 months ago

Can I use puff pastry dough instead?( I need to clear out my freezer before pesach )

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Avigael Levi
Reply to  IZP
3 months ago

You can, but you’ll have thicker dough…

Deeni stern
Deeni stern
3 years ago


5 years ago

Best! I’ve made these countless times (without the sauce) – everyone loves them. Shortcut: I don’t roll out the dough; I just cut every round in half to make 2 triangular pockets out of each round. Beautiful and easy.

Chaia Frishman
Chaia Frishman
Reply to  Rochel
5 years ago

Great tip.

fraidy rubin
fraidy rubin
5 years ago

Delicious The knishes is yum the presentation georgous the soy dipping sauce is really strong so if u don’t love that strong soy taste don’t put so much of it as the picture shows but was a real hit

Frimi Levi
Frimi Levi
5 years ago

Delicious! These were an absolute hit! I made them in advance, froze them with parchment paper in between the layers and warmed them up straight from the freezer to the oven open so they didn’t get soggy.