
Recipe by Brynie Greisman

Succulent Sweet-Potato Chicken

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
10 Servings

No Allergens specified

2 Hours, 10 Minutes

A unique way to make your chicken. The sweet potato adds a subtle sweetness to the chicken and acts as a sealant to keep the juices locked in. I know you’ll love this one! Use the sauce of your preference, or try both. Thanks to Nechama Marmer for the idea.



  • 2 chickens, cut into eighths or the equivalent in bottoms

  • 1–2 sweet potatoes, peeled

  • 1 large onion, sliced

  • 2–3 cloves garlic, sliced

Sauce #1

  • a small squeeze mustard

Sauce #2

  • 1 teaspoon mustard

  • salt, to taste


Prepare the Chicken


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).


Clean chicken and pat dry. Place onions and garlic on the bottom of a roasting pan, and add chicken on top.


With a vegetable peeler, peel thin, wide strips of sweet potato (cut the leftovers into chunks and place around the chicken). Carefully place the strips on each piece of chicken, overlapping slightly, until they are covered entirely. (The strips will soften while baking and envelop the chicken pieces. It’s magic!)

Prepare the Sauce


In a small bowl, combine ingredients of the sauce of your choice and pour over chicken, coating it evenly.


Bake for an hour and a half covered and half an hour uncovered, basting occasionally.


Serve over rice with onion-garlic dip. It’s amazing!

Succulent Sweet-Potato Chicken

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Leah Goldman
Leah Goldman
5 years ago

heavenly do you take the skin off the chicken otherwise if you dont eat the skin on the chicken you are removing the whole potato peels with the skin? thank you

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Reply to  Leah Goldman
5 years ago

The reason I like to cook chicken with the skin on is that it helps keep the moisture and prevents the chicken from drying out, even though I don’t eat the skin. But in this case, it could be that the potatoes help with the moisture- I would recommend cooking it covered in the beginning and make sure there’s always enough liquid. Then I would uncover it for the last 10-15 min so that the potatoes can get crisp.

Bella Silver
Bella Silver
6 years ago

kids and adults agreed this is delicious ! a simple way to enhance a chicken dish. I baked it with sauce #2 and it was yum!

Chaia Frishman
Chaia Frishman
Reply to  Bella Silver
6 years ago

Thanks! Sounds amazing.