Recipe by Ashira Mirsky

Succulent Chicken with Squash

Meat Meat
Easy Easy
4 Servings

No Allergens specified

3 Hours


Main ingredients

  • 1 whole chicken, cut into 1/8ths

  • 2 large shallots

  • 1 butternut squash

  • 2 tablespoons stone-ground mustard

  • 2 tablespoons Tonnelli Red Wine Vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon raspberry vinegar (I used De La Rosa)

  • 3 tablespoons Gefen Maple Syrup

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary

  • 2 teaspoons crushed garlic or 2 cubes Gefen Frozen Garlic

  • salt, to taste

  • pepper, to taste

  • fresh parsley, for garnish


Prepare the Chicken Dish


Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.


Dice the shallots and the butternut squash. Place in the bottom of a large roasting pan. Place the chicken on top and season with salt and pepper.


In a mixing bowl, whisk the mustard, vinegars, maple syrup, olive oil, garlic and rosemary. Pour over the chicken and squash. Cover the roasting pan and cook for two hours.


Uncover after two hours and baste the chicken with the juices. Continue to cook for 45 minutes uncovered, or until the chicken is glossy and well-done. Enjoy!

Succulent Chicken with Squash

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Judith Wexler
Judith Wexler
5 years ago

If you can’t find raspberry vinegar…. What’s a sub?

Mark your comment as a question
Reply to  Judith Wexler
5 years ago

Use whatever vinegar you have and you can mix it with a little bit of raspberry jelly.

chana robbins
chana robbins
2 years ago

Can i freeze this ahead of time?

Reply to  chana robbins
2 years ago


Richard Gilbert
Richard Gilbert
5 years ago

One of our favourites! We first came across this recipe in the lead up to Rose Hashanah. We have made it several times since and are looking forward to having It for Shabbat dinner this evening. Over here in the UK we’ve not been able to find a kosher raspberry vinegar so we’ve substituted apple cider vinegar instead, which seems to go well with both the mustard and the red wine vinegar. We’re also substituting carrots for butternut squash tonight since we seem to have so many that needed eating up. Shabbat Shalom from Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire.

Reply to  Richard Gilbert
5 years ago

We are so happy to hear that you keep on enjoying this recipe! Shabbat Shalom!

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