
Recipe by Chanie Nayman

Spinach Salad with Basil Dressing

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
6 Servings

No Allergens specified


Spinach Salad

  • 1 sweet potato, cubed

  • 2 zucchini, cubed

  • Gefen Olive Oil, for drizzling

  • salt, to taste

  • pepper, to taste

  • garlic powder, to taste

  • 1 (6-oz./170-g.) package beef fry

  • 16 ounces (450 grams) fresh spinach leaves

  • 1/2 cup raw quinoa, cooked according to package directions

Basil Dressing


Prepare Spinach Salad


Preheat oven to 450 degres Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius).


Spread the cubed sweet potato on one baking sheet and the cubed zucchini on a second. Drizzle both with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Place both pans in the oven. Roast the zucchini for 15 minutes and the sweet potato for 30 minutes.


Lower oven temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius). Place beef fry on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

Prepare the Basil Dressing


Combine dressing ingredients in a small bowl.

Assemble the Salad


Place spinach leaves in a large bowl. Add cooked quinoa, roasted veggies, and beef fry.


Drizzle with dressing.


Food Styling by Renee Muller
Photography by Hudi Greenberger

Spinach Salad with Basil Dressing

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Raizy Weinfeld
Raizy Weinfeld
1 year ago

Can the veggies and beef fry be made in advance?

Fay Friedman
Fay Friedman
1 year ago

Love this recipe I make it for shabbos and all my guests gobble it up there are hardly any leftovers

2 years ago

This was absolutely delicious! I didn’t have a zucchini, but that was fine. I cut the recipe in half, and it was perfect for just me with a little left over. I have all kinds of eating issues, so I switched the honey to maple syrup. I loved this and will make it again.

Shavy Hershkowitz
Shavy Hershkowitz
2 years ago

Really nice salad

Leora Grodzinski
Leora Grodzinski
2 years ago

I would say maybe portobello mushrooms if you don’t eat any meat. if you want meat you do pastrami

Marsha Hardt
Marsha Hardt
2 years ago

what can you substitute for the beef fry?

Reply to  Marsha Hardt
2 years ago

You could use pastrami or any deli cut into cubes. Won’t be exactly the same but similar.