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No Allergens specified
Once you start using this on your meats, there will never be enough!
Yields 3 32-ounce (910-gram) containers
oil, for sautéing
10 yellow onions, julienned
5 red onions, julienned
3 shallots, julienned
2 cups garlic cloves, peeled
1 25.4-ounce (750-milliliter) bottle red wine, such as Alfasi Carbenet Sauvignon
6 ounce (170 gram) Tuscanini Red Wine Vinegar
2 cups fish-free Worcestershire sauce, such as Tonnelli
2 cups water
Heat oil in a large pan. Sauté onions, shallots, and garlic.
Deglaze with red wine and vinegar. Add Worcestershire sauce and water. Reduce by one third.
Photography by Miriam (Pascal) Cohen
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