
Recipe by Faigy Grossman

Salmon Cauliflower Roll

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
6 Servings


- Egg - Sesame
1 Hour, 30 Minutes

My daughter-in-law Chayala suggested using a side of salmon to create a stuffed roll. It was a bit of a challenge, but Baruch Hashem it eventually worked, and I present you with a fish dish as tasty as it is beautiful!


Salmon Cauliflower Roll

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • ground black pepper, to taste

  • spicy mayo, to taste

  • Everything but the Bagel seasoning, for sprinkling

  • sweet sauce, for garnish (optional)



Line your work area with Gefen Parchment Paper. Rinse salmon and pat dry. Starting about one inch (two and a half centimeters) into the thinner side, cut a horizontal slit in the salmon, going almost until the other end, but not cutting through. Open the salmon (like a book) so that the piece is now twice as wide.


Place cauliflower into a pot with a bit of water over medium heat. Steam for about 15–20 minutes or until soft. Drain and mash until smooth.


Immediately add the diced peppers and mix. Stir in the crispy fried onions, cornflake crumbs, and mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius).


Smear spicy mayo on the salmon and spread cauliflower mixture over the entire surface. Starting from one end of the open book, carefully roll the salmon, using the parchment paper to ease the salmon into a roll. Slide the salmon roll, seam side down, into a loaf pan. Smear spicy mayo over the top of the roll and sprinkle generously with Everything but the Bagel seasoning.


Cover and bake for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 25 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Refrigerate, and slice when cold.


To plate, drizzle sweet sauce on the plates in a zigzag pattern and place a slice of salmon spiral on top. Drizzle with additional sauces if desired.


Ask your fish store to butterfly the salmon for you without cutting it all the way through; many stores will happily comply.


Styling and Photography by Chay Berger.
Food Prep by Leah Hamaoui.

Salmon Cauliflower Roll

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