
Recipe by Arman Liew

Raspberry Mousse with Coconut Flour Crust

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Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
1 Servings


- Dairy - Tree nuts

Piecrusts and dessert crusts are usually based on flour, butter, and a boat-load of sugar. However, shouldn’t they just be a vehicle for the pudding on top? This version is delicious enough to eat on its own. We don’t do things in halves here though: a creamy raspberry mousse on top makes this the perfect portioned dessert (or even breakfast)! If you are making it for more than one, it can also easily be adjusted.



Raspberry Mousse

  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

  • 1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese (dairy-free, if necessary)

  • 1/4 teaspoon Gefen Vanilla Extract

  • 1–2 tablespoons granulated sweetener of choice

  • 2 tablespoons raspberries, divided

  • 1 tablespoon coconut flour


Prepare the Mousse


In a small bowl, add all the crust ingredients except for the milk. Mix until a crumbly texture remains. Slowly add your milk of choice until a thick batter is formed. Transfer the batter to a cereal bowl or tall glass and set it aside.


In a blender, add all the mousse ingredients and blend until fully immersed and smooth. Pour the blended mixture into the cereal bowl or glass, top with the rest of the raspberries, and enjoy!


The raspberry mousse thickens when left to sit. If you want to enjoy it later, keep the mousse separate from the crust until you’re ready to eat to prevent it from becoming soggy.


Reproduced with permission from Clean Sweets: Simple, High-Protein Desserts for One (Countryman Press, 2017). 

Raspberry Mousse with Coconut Flour Crust

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