
Recipe by Michal Frischman

Portobello Parmesan

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Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
8 Servings

For those who don’t love eggplant, this is a really filling variation on the classic eggplant Parmesan. Not that anything covered in cheese is going to be low fat, but you can cut out a few calories (and prep time) by baking the breaded mushrooms. Liberally spray them with cooking spray, and bake on 425°F (220°C) for about 20 minutes.


Main ingredients

  • 8 portobello mushroom caps

  • 1 cup flour

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 2 teaspoons salt, divided

  • 1 and 1/4 teaspoons pepper, divided, or to taste

  • 4 eggs


Prepare the Parmesan


Clean the mushroom caps by using a spoon to remove the gills. Remove or trim any overhanging margin, so that the cap is as flat as possible. 


Assemble a breading station with three plates or shallow bowls. In the first bowl, combine flour, garlic powder, 1 teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper (about 10 turns of a peppermill).


In the second, combine eggs, a pinch of salt, and pepper to taste. In the third, combine panko crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt, and about ¼ teaspoon pepper. Dredge each mushroom in flour, shaking off excess, then egg, then panko.


Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Heat about ¼ inch of oil in a large frying pan and fry the mushrooms, gill-side down first, for about 5 minutes per side until golden brown. Remove mushrooms and drain on paper towels until ready to assemble.


Place half of the mushroom caps on the bottom of a 9×13-inch baking pan, cutting in half to fit, if necessary. Pour half the sauce over the mushrooms, then sprinkle with half the mozzarella.


Add another layer of mushrooms, then sauce and mozzarella, and finish with Parmesan cheese. Cover with parchment paper and foil, then bake for 30–40 minutes.

Portobello Parmesan

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Malka Plummer
Malka Plummer
6 years ago

Make ahead options? With a 3 day yontif coming up, is it possible to make this ahead of time? Can it be frozen?

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Reply to  Malka Plummer
6 years ago

Definitely yes to both. Reheat it straight from the freezer, covered very tightly. Enjoy!