
Recipe by Faigy Grossman

Peanut Butter Cups

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
20 Servings
15 Minutes

Watch the peanut butter cups video.

Chocolate and peanut butter. Peanut Butter and chocolate. There’s no combination that makes more people stop and say “Yum.” And this sweet bite is the perfect size to convince your kids they’ve had enough for dessert or convince yourself that you can have just one more. And it’s so quick and easy that there’s always time to make more!


Main ingredients

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 2 tablespoons light brown sugar

  • 2 tablespoons crushed graham cracker crumbs


Make the Cups


Mix together the first five ingredients in a large bowl. Set aside.


Melt chocolate in  double boiler. Stir in peanut butter. Remove from heat.


Insert liners into a mini muffin tin. Drop about one tablespoon of melted chocolate into each paper liner. Place one tablespoon of the peanut butter filling mixture in the center of the melted chocolate. Add more melted chocolate until the peanut butter is completely covered and the top is even.


Cool and enjoy!

Peanut Butter Cups

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Rena Hyman
Rena Hyman
11 months ago

Hi Faigy, I made these peanut butter and I was really confused because I thought that you were listing the ingredients in order but they were not in order.

Rivka Sinowitz
Rivka Sinowitz
7 years ago

Milk Chocolate Can I use milk chocolate instead of bittersweet?

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Reply to  Rivka Sinowitz
7 years ago

It would be delicious to do milk. I think that the flavor of a bittersweet and peanut butter is unique too. And keeps it pareve, but either would work recipe wise.

Reply to  Cnooymow{shman
6 years ago

Thank you.

Shaindy Weldler
Shaindy Weldler
3 years ago

I haven’t tried this yet, but in response to azdoll, there are an extra 2 tsp pb after the chocolate in the ingredient list. The first 5 ingredients include the pb that is in the filling.

3 years ago

Must be missing something:

Recipe says: Melt chocolate in double boiler. Stir in peanut butter.

Then, it says to drop 1 T melted chocolate into cup. ( I assume that meant the PB and chocolate combo.) The next step says to add PB filling, then more chocolate. You’ve combined the PB and chocolate, so how do you have plain chocolate..
Please clarify.

Reply to  barbara
3 years ago

Hi! When it says chocolate it means the chocolate peanut butter mixture. You can use plain peanut butter if you’d like. You can also watch how to make it in the video!