
Recipe by Brynie Greisman

Marinated Tofu

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
4 Servings
1 Hour, 10 Minutes

Tofu is one of those wonder foods that assumes the taste of the other ingredients in the pot. Following is a very versatile recipe. The cubed tofu can be mixed into a salad or can top a rice dish for a light, healthful supper packed with protein and vitamins. If baked longer, it becomes hard and crispy and can be noshed as is, or used as croutons to top a salad. Thanks Chava E.


Main ingredients

  • 1 (approx. 450-gram/up to 1-pound) package tofu, any kind (the package I used had just 337 grams)

  • 2 tablespoons Glicks Soy Sauce (tamari)

  • 1 teaspoon canola oil

  • 1 teaspoon Gefen Sesame Oil (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder


Prepare the Tofu


Cut tofu into cubes. Mix together with soy sauce and leave a few minutes to allow tofu to absorb the flavor.


Add rest of ingredients and mix together. Pour into a small baking pan and drizzle with additional oil — not too much (we want to keep the fat down!).


Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) for 30 minutes for a soft texture, 45 for a medium texture, and an hour or more for crispy, crunchy cubes. Mix every few minutes to ensure even exposure to the oven’s heat.


To make this dish more piquant, add some freshly ground ginger and a bit of cayenne pepper.


This tastes best eaten fresh. If refrigerated overnight, the texture becomes a little rubbery


Photography: Daniel LailahFood Styling: Michal Leibowitz

Marinated Tofu

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Chani Halpern
Chani Halpern
11 months ago

Very Tasty!