
Recipe by Estee Kafra

Light and Airy Marble Cake

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Parve Parve
Medium Medium
12 Servings
1 Hour, 15 Minutes

This cake is my father’s favorite.  I have made it so many times I haven’t had to look at the recipe in years!


Marble Cake

  • 7 eggs, separated

  • 1 and 1/2 cups sugar, divided

  • 1/2 cup oil

  • 3/4 cup orange juice

  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Chocolate Batter

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 1/4 cup Gefen Cocoa

  • 1/4 cup boiling water


Prepare the Cake


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.


In the large bowl of an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until foamy. Gradually add 3/4 cup sugar in a steady stream. Beat until stiff peaks form. Set aside.


In another bowl, beat the remaining sugar with the egg yolks until light. Gradually add oil, juices and vanilla sugar and beat well. Combine flour and baking powder. Add to batter and beat well until batter lightens in color.


Fold yolk mixture into whites with a rubber spatula, blending well.


Separate 3/4 cup of batter. Place all the ingredients for the chocolate batter into a bowl. Mix well. Add the 3/4 cup batter and mix well again.


Pour the white batter into an ungreased 10-inch tube pan. Gently pour the chocolate mixture onto the top of the white mixture in drizzling motion. Swirl gently with fork to mix — about six to eight strokes.


Bake for one hour.


When cake is fully baked, remove from oven and turn pan upside down immediately. Cool completely. Run a sharp knife around the edges of pan before removing cake.

Light and Airy Marble Cake

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esther errera
esther errera
1 year ago

This cake worked out awesome!!!!
worth the extra effort in separating the eggs

Olga ilyayeva
Olga ilyayeva
5 years ago

Chocolate batter sunk to bottem The cake tasted amazing and was airy and fluffy.. but the chocolate batter sunk to bottem would love to know what went wrong??

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Reply to  Olga ilyayeva
5 years ago

Hi- we are so happy you enjoyed the cake! The reason that the chocolate layer fell to the bottom can be due to many reasons. Could it be that the egg whites weren’t whipped long enough? or possibly when folding in the yolk mixture to the egg mixture it wasn’t done gently enough? I would recommend not swirling the chocolate mixture too much also to prevent it from falling. Hope this helps!

Rachel Albert
Rachel Albert
3 years ago

Fluffy and so good
I subbed 1:1 flour bc gluten free absolutely delicious