
Recipe by Brynie Greisman

Juicy and Flavorful Turkey Breast

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
7 Servings

No Allergens specified

I wanted an original flavor profile, different from the typical garlic/mustard one associated with a turkey roast. I had just made my own plum jam (sweetened just with natural apple juice concentrate) after finding the most succulent plums in the shuk, and wanted to incorporate it into this recipe. I love the way the veggies crown each slice of turkey, and the jam, wine, and lemon complement the veggies to perfection. Marinating it overnight results in the juiciest, softest turkey ever. Serves 7–8, or more if there’s a second choice main dish For more delicious main dishes perfect for your Rosh Hashanah menu, see our recipe roundup.



  • 3 – 3 and 1/2 pounds (1.36–1.6 kilograms) turkey breast roast

  • 3–4 tablespoons Gefen Olive Oil

  • 1 large onion, diced

  • 1 medium sweet potato, cubed


  • 1 cup natural plum jam

  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest (or to taste)

  • 2 tablespoons Gefen Olive Oil

Wine Pairing

Domaine du Castel La Vie Blanc


Prepare the Turkey Breast


Place turkey roast in a roasting pan or a nine- by 13-inch (20- by 30-centimeter) baking pan.


Mix together all sauce ingredients and pour over the turkey.


Heat olive oil in a large frying pan. Add onion and sauté five minutes over medium heat. Add sweet potato cubes and continue sautéing 15 minutes more, stirring occasionally. About one to two minutes before the end, add the garlic. Remove from heat. Season with kosher salt and pepper. Cool slightly.


Carefully spoon veggies over turkey roast, pressing down gently so they stick. Cover and marinate in the fridge overnight.


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).


Cover turkey with Gefen Parchment Paper and seal tightly with aluminum foil. Place in oven and bake for two hours and fifteen minutes. Baste once or twice during baking. Uncover and continue baking an additional five minutes. If necessary, add a little hot water to the pan. Cool completely before slicing.


Making your own sugar-free plum jam is easier than you think, and it fills the house with the most heavenly aroma! Take 2.2 pounds (one kilogram) pitted Hungarian plums (clean weight). Wash well. Add 1/2 to one cup apple juice concentrate (depending on sweetness of plums). Cook over medium heat for about 40 minutes or until soft. Add juice of one lemon (three tablespoons) and cook five more minutes. Let cool slightly. Blend. It’s best to freeze it in small containers, as the shelf life, even refrigerated, is not long. Delicious on bread, in cakes, yogurt, etc.


Food and Prop Styling by Renee Muller
Photography by Moshe Wulliger

Juicy and Flavorful Turkey Breast

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2 years ago

how do I make the plum jam ?

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Michal Cohen
Michal Cohen
2 years ago

Would it work with apricots jam?

2 years ago

hi. how do I make the plum jam?

Reply to  debby
2 years ago

You can use any jelly recipe and substitute any fruit with plums.

Leah Goldman
Leah Goldman
2 years ago

for the tip on making your own jam she says 2.2 lbs and then take half and cook. what about the other half she doesnt say what to do with those plums

Diana Blatter
Diana Blatter
3 years ago

Absolutely delicious and so, so moist. This will be more than just for Pesach.

3 years ago

@RoseL @saratesler yes this freezes well. Just make sure it’s fully cooked and properly stored in the freezer in an airtight container.

sara Tesler
sara Tesler
3 years ago

also wondering

Rose Leibler
Rose Leibler
3 years ago

Hi. Does this recipe freeze well?

Reply to  Rose Leibler
3 years ago
