
Recipe by Ruth Fox and Vicky Cohen

Green Beans with Chestnuts, Pomegranates and Lemony Tahini

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6 Servings

A crisp, hearty and sweet green bean dish with lemon-tahini dressing.


This vegetable-forward dish is perfect for Rosh Hashanah. Find tens more satisfying vegan and vegetarian recipes for the holidays here.


Check out our complete collection of Rosh Hashanah recipes for mains, sides, soups, desserts, and more inspiration for the holiday.


For the Green Beans

  • 2 pounds fresh or frozen (thawed) French green beans (haricots verts), trimmed and washed (see note)

  • 3 tablespoons Tuscanini Sea Salt or 2 tablespoons table salt

  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

  • 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 2 (5.3-oz./150-g.) packs Gefen Chestnuts

  • 1 cup dried tart cherries

  • 1/8–1/4 teaspoon Tuscanini Sea Salt, to taste

  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper

  • 2 cups pomegranate seeds (about 2 pomegranates),  more or less to taste

For the Lemony Tahini

  • 1/4 cup water


For the Green Beans


Prepare a large bowl with cold water and ice cubes.


Fill a large pot with water, add the salt and bring the salted water to a boil. Add green beans and cook for about four to five minutes.  The green beans will be cooked, but crunchy. If you like them softer, cook them one to two minutes longer.


 Transfer green beans to the ice water bowl to stop the cooking process. Remove green beans from ice bath and drain well.


In a large skillet, heat olive oil. Add garlic and cook on medium-high for one minute. Add chestnuts, cherries, salt and black pepper, then cook over medium heat for three to four minutes. Add drained green beans and continue cooking for another five minutes, stirring frequently.


Transfer to a serving dish. Drizzle with lemony tahini and sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top.


If using regular green beans they may require a longer cooking time, since French green beans are thinner.

For the Lemony Tahini


In a small bowl, whisk together tahini, salt and lemon juice until it thickens.


Add water, one tablespoon at a time, and mix until well incorporated. For a thinner sauce, add more water one tablespoon at a time. Refrigerate until ready to use.


  • Start with 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add more to taste – we like it lemony, so we use 2 tablespoons more of lemon juice. • The sauce will thicken slightly when refrigerated.  


This recipe originally appeared on MayIHaveThatRecipe.com.

Green Beans with Chestnuts, Pomegranates and Lemony Tahini

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6 months ago

Made for family Chanuka party, was delicious and pretty!

Rachel Leifer
Rachel Leifer
2 years ago

how long in advance can make it?

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Reply to  Rachel Leifer
2 years ago

The green beans should last in the fridge for 2-3 days. I would suggest assembling right before serving.

2 years ago

Made this to accompany a yom tov meal and found it to be super tasty and also not that difficult to make! I love the way the brightness of the creamy tahini dressing mixes with the earthiness of the chestnuts, sweet/tartness of the dried cherries, and the lovely crunch of the pomegranate seeds on top. What a great mixture of textures and flavors! I’d definitely plan on making this again at some point.