Recipe by Chanie Nayman

From-Scratch Ice Java

Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
2 Servings


- Dairy


From-Scratch Ice Java

  • 2/3 cup coffee granules (I use decaf), such as Elite

  • 1 and 1/2 cups water

  • 2 and 1/2 cups sugar

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla



Place all ingredients in a pot and bring to a low simmer. Simmer for five minutes. Let cool, then transfer to a squeeze bottle or a glass jar.


When ready to use, add about three to four tablespoons syrup to a 16-ounce (450-milliliter) cup of milk. Add ice cubes and enjoy!


Did you know that Ice Java is caffeinated? I assumed it wasn’t, which is why I let my kids drink it! I like that I could use decaf in this homemade version. I’m happy when they drink milk, and if this is what will make them do it, I can live with that.
From-Scratch Ice Java

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shevi friedlander
shevi friedlander
1 year ago

great but way too sweet!
Ide do 1 3/4 c sugar next time

Esther Greenspan
Esther Greenspan
1 year ago
Sora Deetza
Sora Deetza
1 year ago

Please clarify
Early on in the recipe it says Use 1 tablespoon per 8-ounce cup
Later it states
add about three to four tablespoons syrup to a 16-ounce (450-milliliter) cup of milk. 
Also how is 16 oz = 450 ml?

Thank you

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Shavy Hershkowitz
Shavy Hershkowitz
1 year ago

This is delicious! One small thing, keep an eye on it when it simmers. I looked away for a minute and it boiled over. Not fun to clean hot sticky syrup from my cooktop…

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