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A delightful salad with a sweet licorice zip.
1 fennel bulb
1 pound tomatoes
handful of bean sprouts (optional)
3 tablespoons – 1/2 cup Bartenura Olive Oil (I like less oil)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon sugar or Health Garden Xylitol (optional)
1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon salt or herbamare
2 tablespoons parsley
1 teaspoon dill
1 teaspoon oregano
Wash and slice tomatoes into wedges or cut them into 1-inch-sized pieces.
Wash, clean [check], and slice or dice the fennel bulb.
Place in a resealable bag and add the rest of the ingredients.
Shake and taste to adjust seasonings as desired pour into your favorite serving bowl and enjoy.
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