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Bottle up some sunshine and store it for the dreary winter days ahead! This citron and quince marmalade is delightful and worth the effort!
1 etrog
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1 quince, peeled and diced
1 teaspoon Heaven & Earth Lemon Juice
Soak etrog for one week, changing water daily.
Slice etrog and remove seeds. Place etrog slices in pan with water to cover. Bring to a boil. Drain. Repeat three to four times.
In small saucepan, bring sugar and water to a boil. Cook until sugar is dissolved. Pour over etrog, cover pot, and let stand at room temperature overnight.
Add quince to etrog. Cook for two to three hours or until liquid is absorbed.
Add lemon juice 10-15 minutes before done.
Photography and Styling by Elazar Klein Studio
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How should the pectin from the etrog seeds be incorporated into the jam?
Mix pectin with 1/4 cup sugar. Add the sugar, pectin & marmalade and simmer. There has to be the right concentration of sugar to become jelly, so if you put in more water or less sugar it takes longer to boil down.
How do I make Esrog juice
Cut your esrog in half and juice it like you’d juice a lemon or orange.
How do I make Etrog juice
Do i put the etrog in water with or without the peel? do i cook the etrog with or without the peel?
How do i store this? fridge, freezer?