
Recipe by Shushy Turin

Dubai Chocolate Bar

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Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
10 Servings

If you’re not jet-setting to Dubai this summer, be sure to check out newest sensation in the dessert world
Makes 3 bars

For Shushy’s reviews of viral trends, watch Trends to Try!


Special Equipment

Dubai Chocolate Bar

  • 4 (3.5-ounce) bars brown milk chocolate, such as Geneve, chopped

  • 1 (3.5-ounce) bar white chocolate, such as Geneve, chopped

  • edible gold leaf, optional

  • 1 cup phyllo threads or kadaifi, chopped

  • 4 tablespoons butter or 1/2 stick

  • 1 cup pistachio paste (recipe below)

  • a pinch kosher salt

Pistachio Paste


Prepare the Pistachio Paste


In a blender add the pistachios and two tablespoons of oil. Blend until smooth adding one tablespoon of oil in at a time as needed. This should take about 10 minutes with a high power blender. Stop as needed to prevent your blender from overheating.


Once the mixture is smooth, add in the vanilla, salt, and confectioners sugar. Stir to integrate. Allow to cool.

Make Dubai Chocolate Bars


Melt your milk chocolate in 30-second intervals in the microwave on high power until smooth and melted.


Do the same for your white chocolate.


Use a chocolate bar mold or loaf pans lined with parchment paper. Start with the gold flakes if using and place small flakes randomly over the parchment/mold.


Then drizzle your white chocolate over the gold. Allow it to set in the fridge for about five to 10 minutes.


Finally, top with half of your melted milk chocolate and then hold the mold or pan upside down over some parchment until the surface of your mold is coated but no longer filled all the way through.


In a pan, melt your butter over medium heat. Add the chopped kadaifi and stir to toast until golden and crispy for about three to five minutes.


Allow the mixture to cool.


Transfer to a bowl and mix with the pistachio paste and salt.


Add the kadaifi-pistachio mixture into the center of your chocolate bar and smooth it. Cover with the remaining milk chocolate and refrigerate at least 30 minutes before slicing and enjoying.

Dubai Chocolate Bar

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2 days ago

can you please do a video on the viral cracked coffe latte?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?