
Recipe by Chaia Frishman

Deli Twist Breadsticks

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
10 Servings
50 Minutes

No Diets specified

This was hands down the best chicken pastrami I ever tasted. Soft and moist without an artificial aftertaste, this recipe is a winner for a Shabbos side dish, or just a fun Rosh Chodesh dinner treat. A Food Fight Round 6 recipe


Main ingredients

  • 1 egg, beaten

Wine Pairing

Capcanes Peraj Petita


Prepare the Breadsticks


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).


Line a baking sheet with Gefen Parchment Paper.


Roll out defrosted puff pastry until it’s even. Your rectangular dough should be facing you with the wider side lying horizontally, and the shorter side vertically.


Spread mustard across the dough, leaving 1/4 inch empty space around the perimeter.


Lay slices of deli across dough vertically until the dough is covered. Try not to overlap.


Using a sharp knife, measure 1/2-inch (one centimeter) slices through the deli, mustard, and dough, all the way down until you finished slicing to the end. You should have 10–12 slices.


Carefully lift the top of the first slice and fold it over to meet the bottom. Separate it from the rest of the dough, and, using your fingers, curl the dough using a twisting motion three times. Lay on lined baking sheet. Repeat with rest of slices.


Brush egg over the twists.


Bake twists for half an hour or until browned on the bottom.


Photography and Styling by Chavi Feldman  

Deli Twist Breadsticks

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Deborah Krupnik
Deborah Krupnik
3 months ago

I look forward to trying this recipe after Pesach but I would fold the entire dough (top to bottom) before slicing it. I think it will cut easier than with the deli exposed on top and it will only be one fold instead of being busy with folding each one individually. I have a fleishig pizza cutter that I use to slice meat pizzas and I think that would be easier than cutting with a knife.

chavi feldman
chavi feldman
5 years ago

hot or cold? Is this best served hot or cold? Also will it freeze well?

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Reply to  chavi feldman
5 years ago

They are similar to a deli roll, depending on how you like to eat that. I would say they are good both ways, but probably better hot 🙂 Yes- these will freeze well, however, I would recommend freezing them raw.

r r
r r
5 years ago

Amazing and so easy! They came out so good and it was really easy!
Thank you!

Chaia Frishman
Chaia Frishman
Reply to  r r
5 years ago

Thank YOU!

2024 years ago

Amazing! These were delicious and looked beautiful! I glazed them with duck sauce for added sweetness.

Chaia Frishman
Chaia Frishman
Reply to  Devorah
5 years ago

I’m so honored Devorah!!!