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This cake is moist, fluffy and delicious. Enjoy a big piece of this amazing crumb cake with a cup of tea or coffee for a really yummy treat! The batter of this cake is very big, so either use a really large food processor or a really large mixer, or you’ll have cake batter/crumbs flying everywhere!!
6 cups flour
3 cups sugar
10 ounces margarine
3/4 cup oil
6 eggs
1 and 1/2 cups orange juice
pinch of Gefen Cinnamon (optional)
6 teaspoons Haddar Baking Powder, mixed with 3 teaspoons flour
3 teaspoons vanilla sugar
Combine first five ingredients and mix well.
Reserve one cup of crumb mixture for topping.
Add remaining ingredients, mixing until smooth.
Pour into 10- by 16-inch baking pan.
Sprinkle reserved crumb mixture over cake. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Photography and Styling by Tamara Friedman
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