
Recipe by Laura Frankel

Chef Laura’s Famous Guacamole

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Easy Easy
4 Servings

No Allergens specified

The secret to good guacamole is simple: the ingredients should be ripe and really fresh, and each bite or scoopful should burst with flavor. This means no powdered garlic allowed and lots of tasting, to make sure the flavors are well balanced. My kids eat guacamole as a healthy snack, and sometimes use it instead of mustard or mayonnaise for really delicious meat or dairy sandwiches. The best time of year to find good avocados is in the summer. Scoop them up while you can because the pickings are slim and expensive in the winter.


I have included this delicious recipe in my book Jewish Slow Cooker Recipes, though it is not made in a slow cooker, as I could not imagine a festive Mexican meal without this creamy dip.


Contrary to popular food myth, leaving the pit in the bowl of guacamole will not prevent the avocados from oxidizing and turning black. To ensure that your guacamole stays green, cover the guacamole with plastic wrap or parchment paper and lightly press the wrap directly on the surface. Then go ahead and throw out the pit, or plant it.


Main ingredients

  • 3 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted

  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice

  • 2 tablespoons best-quality extra-virgin olive oil such as Bartenura Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

  • 2 cloves garlic, creamed (see note)

  • 2 medium tomatillos, husks removed, cut into small dice

  • 6 cherry tomatoes, quartered

  • 1 small red onion, finely diced

Suggested Accompaniments

  • crispy tortilla chips (optional)

  • jicama strips

  • cucumber slices

  • radishes

  • carrot strips


Prepare the Guacamole


Place the avocados into a large bowl. Add the lime juice, olive oil, and garlic.


Mash the mixture with a potato masher or fork until it is mostly mashed but some chunks remain. Add the tomatillos, tomatoes, onion, jalapeño, cilantro, and radishes, if using. Stir them in to combine. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.


Serve with your choice of accompaniments.


  · How do you find a ripe avocado? Give it a squeeze. Ripe avocados will yield slightly under gentle pressure, but maintain a somewhat firm consistency. You can also pull out the stem piece and check to see if it is green underneath. If it is green the avocado will be ripe, but if it is black the avocado is past its prime.   · Avoid chunks of garlic in your guacamole by trying this great knife trick: Coarsely chop the garlic. Add a little kosher salt to the pile of garlic and continue chopping and rubbing the flat part of your knife against the chunks. The salt acts as an abrasive and after several minutes the garlic will turn into a creamy puree that will disappear into your guacamole, leaving behind a powerful garlic punch.

Prepare the Guacamole

Makes two cups


Reprinted with permission from Jewish Slow Cooker Recipes, 2nd ed. by Laura Frankel, Agate Surrey, 2015

Chef Laura's Famous Guacamole

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Etty Konig
Etty Konig
1 year ago
