
Recipe by Avrumi Flam

Chef Flam’s Soy Ginger Chicken

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
6 Servings
1 Hour



  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce

  • 1/4 cup mirin (rice wine)

  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

  • 1 pound chopped scallions

  • 2 pounds shiitake mushrooms


Prepare the Chicken


Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Place chicken in a baking pan.


Combine 3/4 cup soy sauce, brown sugar, 1/4 cup ginger, and garlic with four quarts water. Mix well and pour over chicken. Roast for 30 minutes.


In a saucepan, combine remaining 1/4 cup soy sauce, two tablespoons ginger, cilantro, chicken broth, rice vinegar, hoisin sauce, mirin, sesame oil, scallions, and mushrooms. Bring to a boil and let cook for 20 minutes, until reduced and thickened.


Remove chicken from oven. Pour sauce over chicken. Return chicken to oven for five minutes. Let rest for five minutes before serving. Serve hot, garnished with additional fresh cilantro.

Chef Flam's Soy Ginger Chicken

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Rachel Warshower
Rachel Warshower
4 months ago

Whoa! To paraphrase Julia Child, Chef Flam must enjoy cooking with wine, sometimes he even puts it in the food he’s cooking 😉

This recipe makes no sense. Can you straighten it out so we can actually enjoy the recipe for its usability, and not just the lopsided quantities of the ingredients?

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Linds Gallof
Linds Gallof
4 months ago

Please advise response to below comment from Deborah Krupnick. I have similar questions. Thank you

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Deborah Krupnik
Deborah Krupnik
4 months ago

The recipe calls for 4 quarts of water with the soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger and garlic. Is 4 quarts correct? That is one gallon of water! That is a ton of water for one chicken in a pan. Also, the 3/4 cup soy sauce and the 1/4 cup ginger in that same sauce also seem to be huge amounts. Later on, the recipe calls for 1 lb scallions and 2 lbs mushrooms. The scale of the ingredients seems totally off for one chicken.

Also, I like to see continuity in recipes and that the picture reflects the written recipe. Your picture shows a whole chicken in the pan, while your recipe calls for 1 chicken cut up. Also, the last direction in the recipe calls for garnishing the chicken with additional cilantro and the picture clearly shows thyme sprigs over the chicken but no thyme was listed in the ingredients.

Someone made a few booboos with this recipe. If you need a content proofreader, please feel free to call me.

Diana Blatter
Diana Blatter
Reply to  Deborah Krupnik
4 months ago

sounds delicious and will give it a try as have a chicken in 1/8ths in the freezer. Will let you know. But yes wish picture looked like what the recipe calls for.

Last edited 4 months ago by Diana Blatter