
Recipe by Michal Frischman

Cheese Buns with Pecan Goo

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Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
18 Servings

Okay, so imagine a cinnamon bun with cream cheese frosting and then imagine the whole thing flipped inside out and upside down, and now we’re on the same page. This is not a quick recipe, but the dough is the softest and fluffiest I have ever made in real life, and IMHO that sometimes has to trump easy.



  • 4 cups Mishpacha Flour, divided

  • 1 and 1/4 cups milk, divided

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  • 2 (8-oz./225-g.) bars cream cheese, softened

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1 egg

Pecan Goo

  • pecans, roughly chopped (to taste; I used 3/4 cup chopped nuts)


Prepare the Cheese Buns with Pecan Goo


Take three tablespoons of the flour and 1/2 cup of the milk and heat them in a small pan or pot, stirring often, until you have a soft pudding consistency, about seven minutes. Allow to cool.


Mix all but 1/2 cup of the remaining flour and the rest of the ingredients in a bowl, adding in the slurry. Mix by hand or with a dough hook in a mixer. If the dough is very sticky or tacky, add the remainder of the flour, one tablespoon at a time, until the dough comes together smoothly. Knead for eight to 10 minutes or until smooth and soft. Place in a buttered bowl and cover. If your oven has a proof setting, proof there, or in any warm spot, until dough has doubled in size, one and a half to two hours.


Mix filling ingredients and set aside in the fridge while the dough rises.


Once dough has risen, preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius) and make the goo: Combine butter and sugar in a small pot. When beginning to bubble, add corn syrup and simmer on low while you prepare your dough.


Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle that’s about 18×12 inches (46×30 centimeters). Spread the cream cheese filling over the top and roll up.


Prepare three eight-inch (20-centimeter) square pans. Add coarsely chopped pecans to your taste (I don’t like too many nuts, so 1/4 cup per pan was perfect for me) and divide the goo evenly among the pans.


Using a very sharp knife or unflavored floss, cut the rolled-up dough into 18 rolls. If the filling falls out slightly, it’s okay, just do the best you can to keep it all together. This is a trust-the-process situation. Place six buns in each pan and bake until the tops are just set, about 30 minutes. Allow to cool for two minutes, then flip upside down to a plate or platter to reveal the gooey pecan tops.


This recipe uses a Japanese technique called tangzhong, a cooked slurry that hydrates the dough and makes it very soft and slow to stale. Yes, it’s an extra step, but no one goes into cinnamon bun territory thinking it’s a one-bowl wonder, so just commit.


Food and Prop Styling by Goldie Stern
Food Prep and Consulting by Chaya Suri Goldberger
Photography by Felicia Perretti

Cheese Buns with Pecan Goo

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6 months ago

How many hours does it need to defrost either in the fridge or at room temperature?

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Avigael Levi
Reply to  Ruchi
6 months ago

You can defrost them in the fridge overnight or on the counter for 1 to 3 hours.

6 months ago

Can I freeze these buns before baking and then pop it in the oven the day I want to serve it?

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Avigael Levi
Reply to  Ruchi
6 months ago

You can freeze them but you need to let them defrost in the fridge until fully risen, then bake.