
Recipe by Chani Salzer

Carrot Souffle with Walnut Maple Crunch

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My creative twist on the classic carrot muffin. Besides for being super pretty, it’s low-carb too. How’s that for a win-win?


Carrot Souffle

Maple Walnut Crunch

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


Prepare the Souffle


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.


Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Slice sweet potatoes and carrots, add to boiling water, and cook until soft, about 35 minutes.


Transfer cooked vegetables to a food processor and add eggs, oil, almond milk, honey, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Blend until smooth.


Pour into three-inch ramekins and bake for 25 minutes.


Combine walnuts, oil, maple syrup and salt in a small bowl and spread on a lined baking sheet. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden. Top sweet potato souffle with walnut crunch.


To prepare ahead, freeze the batter raw and place directly into the oven without defrosting. This is to ensure that the souffles do not get diluted and watery.
Carrot Souffle with Walnut Maple Crunch

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Tami Green
Tami Green
5 months ago

How long should it be in the oven, when cooking from frozen?

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Avigael Levi
Reply to  Tami Green
5 months ago

I’d suggest putting the raw batter directly into the oven without defrosting (as shown in the notes) and cooking according to the directions above. 25 minutes for the batter and about 10 minutes for the topping.

Rita Landa
Rita Landa
1 year ago

Also the carrot souffle by chanie salter think that is spelling correct. Says freeze batter raw and then put straight in oven when ready to bake. There is a crunch topping just so confusing when does that go on raw b4 freezer or after baked. Freeze toppin

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Goldy Admin
Reply to  Rita Landa
1 year ago

The crunch is placed over the after the souffle is baked.

Rita Landa
Rita Landa
1 year ago

The carrot souffle with walnut cruch can it b made in 8 inch aluminum pan not ramakins

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Goldy Admin
Reply to  Rita Landa
1 year ago

You can but you will have to adjust the cooking time.