
Recipe by Rivky Kleiman

Passover Carrot Muffins

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Parve Parve
Medium Medium
24 Servings


- Tree nuts - Egg
40 Minutes

No Diets specified

Carrots and muffins are a match made in heaven and something I miss every Pesach. This year I was determined to develop a moist, fluffy, taste-like-chometz muffin… These truly deliver!


Main ingredients

  • 2 cups raw baby carrots, or 2 cups regular carrots, peeled and cut into chunks

  • 1 cup Gefen Crushed Pineapple

  • 1 cup shredded coconut

  • 2 and 1/4 cups Gefen Almond Flour

  • 1 and 1/4 cups potato starch

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

  • 1 cup oil

  • 1 and 3/4 cups sugar

  • 2 teaspoons Gefen Vanilla Extract

  • 3 eggs


Make the Muffins


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). Line two muffin tins and set aside.


Place carrots, crushed pineapple, and shredded coconut into food processor fitted with the S blade. Blend until it becomes a thick mixture and smooth. Set aside.


In a large bowl, combine almond flour, potato starch, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. Stir well and set aside.


Beat oil and sugar until well blended, then add vanilla extract. Alternately add dry ingredients and eggs, beating well after each addition. Add in carrot mixture. Beat until combined.


Divide batter evenly into prepared muffin tins, filling almost to the top. Bake 28–30 minutes until lightly browned and set.

Passover Carrot Muffins

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2 months ago

Great recipe! This made 24 muffins filled to the top.
I cut the sugar by a fourth cup, and they were still sweet enough that next time I would put even less. They also had a definitive coconut taste. The pineapple taste, on the other hand, was barely noticeable.
As for the texture, the texture reminded me a bit of ground coconuts, I probably didn’t blend them for long enough.
Definitely a recipe I’ll be making again next year!

Last edited 2 months ago by Rivka
Malka S
Malka S
3 months ago

So excited to try this! Can I substitute Potato Starch for the Almond Flour (either for all or part)?

Avigael Levi
Reply to  Malka S
2 months ago

Yes! You can try tapioca starch as a substitute as well.

Tehilla Atlas
Tehilla Atlas
1 year ago
5 years ago

Will it work? Hi. If I omit both the coconut and pineapple, will this recipe still “work”?

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Reply to  Betsy
5 years ago

Hi, I would not recommend omitting the pineapple because it is going to add a lot of moisture to the muffin. If you don’t like pineapple, then I would add a different fruit or maybe apple sauce. As for the coconut, you can probably omit it or you could replace it with a nut or something else that would add texture to the muffin.

Sef Rosen
Sef Rosen
5 years ago

Yum! If my husband doesn’t like pineapple or coconut, will he like these? Can you taste the pineapple or coconut flavor?

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Reply to  Sef Rosen
5 years ago

I believe since there is a cup of coconut and pineapple in the recipe you will taste both of them.

ahuva fischer
ahuva fischer
3 years ago

great recipe