Recipe by Efrat Libfroind

Caramelized White Chocolate Mousse

Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
6 Servings


- Dairy


For the Mousse

  • 1 and 1/3 cups sweet cream

  • 1 cup heavy cream

  • 1/2 teaspoon Gefen Vanilla

  • 10 ounces of caramelized chocolate (recipe follows)

For the Caramelized Chocolate

Wine Pairing

Tabor Adama II Zohar


Prepare Caramelized Chocolate


Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Place 14 ounces of white chocolate in a uniform layer on the baking surface. Place in the oven and set the timer for 15 minutes.


After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and start mixing the chocolate with a spatula. At this point the chocolate is melted but still slightly lumpy. Mix well, smooth it into a uniform layer and return to the oven for another 15 minutes.


Do not panic! It will seem like the chocolate is very granular and difficult to mix. Stir in one or two teaspoons of canola oil and the chocolate will become smooth again and easily mixed. Spread the chocolate in a uniform layer and return to the oven for another 15 minutes.


At this point the chocolate begins to take on a caramel color. Mix again and return to the oven for another five minutes.


The desired shade is a deep caramel color. The first few times you caramelize chocolate you might be afraid of burning it. White chocolate is very sensitive, so check it every 10 minutes.


Transfer the prepared chocolate to Gefen Parchment Paper spread on a baking pan and cover it with another layer of parchment paper to flatten it. When the chocolate is slightly cooled, transfer it to the refrigerator. When it solidifies, remove the paper and break the chocolate into pieces. (May be stored at room temperature in a sealed container for up to two months.)


Since each chocolate behaves somewhat differently, the first time you caramelize chocolate it is important to watch it closely and take it out of the oven at just the right moment. Also, you have to take into account the reduction created in the caramelizing process, and therefore, to get 10 ounces of caramelized chocolate you need to start with 14 ounces of white chocolate.

Prepare Caramelized Chocolate

The caramelized chocolate is prepared on a Teflon baking pan (or other metal). Do not place the chocolate on parchment paper, as the paper may tear while mixing.

Prepare the Mousse


Chop up the caramelized chocolate. Bring the sweet cream and the vanilla to a boil. Pour it over the chocolates and mix with an immersion blender.


Let the mixture cool.


Beat heavy cream into a soft foam and fold it into the chocolate mixture.


Pour the mousse into beautiful glasses.


If desired, spoon a little chocolate mousse on the sides of the glass and place a chocolate disc diagonally inside. Garnish with mint leaves, or as you please.

Prepare the Mousse

Yield: 12 cups

Caramelized White Chocolate Mousse

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4 years ago

I never heard of sweet cream..which company makes it..can I find it in a regular grocery?

Reply to  leah
4 years ago

Hi Leah, it is actually heavy whipping cream 🙂