
Recipe by Nechama Norman

Caramel Mousse

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Dairy Dairy
Easy Easy
10 Servings

My idea of a great recipe: easy, delicious, quick, and impressive looking. Usually, you can’t get so lucky as to meet all those criteria. This is a great recipe!   Chocolate or Coffee Liqueur or both pair well with this dessert. Serve it on the side in a small glass, or swirl it into the mousse for a grown up treat. Make this into a decadent and striking two-layer treat by piping chocolate mousse on the bottom of a cup and this mousse on top. Rim your glass by dipping it in a shallow dish of water, then sugar crystals.


Main ingredients

  • 1 and 1/2 pounds whipped cream cheese

  • 1 cup dulce de leche

  • 1 tablespoon Gefen Vanilla Extract

  • 3/4 cup confectioners’ sugar

  • 1 cup heavy cream

  • nuts or crushed Viennese crunch, for topping


For the Mousse


In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat cream cheese, caramel, and vanilla until smooth. Add sugar and mix to combine. Slowly pour in heavy cream and beat on high speed for 3 minutes.


Add mixture to a piping bag and pipe into trifle cups. You can also place it into a large serving dish. Top with nuts or crushed Viennese crunch.


Keep refrigerated until ready to serve. The mousse can also be made in advance and frozen.

Caramel Mousse

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Yehudis Emanuel
Yehudis Emanuel
5 years ago

What is Dolce De Leche Is that a liqueur?

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Reply to  Yehudis Emanuel
5 years ago

In Israel, it is called “Rebat Chalav”, it is a dairy caramel cream. (My husband looked up rebat chalav on the google and it gave us dolce de leche as a translation. I don’t know if it has another name in English).

Reply to  En}o}wah
5 years ago

No, dulce de leche is a traditional Argentinian dessert made by caramelizing sugar in milk. You can buy it or make it homemade.