
Recipe by Malky and Yossi Levine

Bubby’s Heimishe Challah (White Spelt)

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Medium Medium
25 Servings

A delicious, fluffy challah recipe with Shibolim White Spelt. 

Yields 5 medium-sized challah loaves


Bubby’s Heimishe Challah

  • 5 pounds Shibolim White Spelt Flour

  • 3 ounces fresh yeast

  • 3 eggs plus 1 additional egg for egg wash

  • 1 and 1/4 cups oil

  • 1/2 cup sugar (plus 1 teaspoon for proofing the yeast)

  • 4 and 1/2 cups water, divided

  • 2 and 1/2 tablespoons salt

  • sesame seeds (or your favorite challah topping)


Prepare Your Challah


Crumble yeast into a small bowl. Add one cup of lukewarm water and one teaspoon sugar, mix, and let it sit for five to 10 minutes until it gets bubbly/foamy.


Put half of the flour into the mixing bowl, make a well in the center and add the proofed yeast in the well.


Add the eggs, oil, sugar, and another cup of water and mix on low until combined.


Add rest of the flour, salt, rest of the water and mix for five minutes, let it rest for 10 minutes, mix again for five minutes and let it rest 10 minutes.


Divide the dough and start braiding right away. (Remember to do hafrashat challah.) Place it in greased challah pans, brush it with egg wash and let it rise for another 15 minutes. 


Bake on 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes to one hour.

Bubby’s Heimishe Challah (White Spelt)

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Judith Kirschke
Judith Kirschke
3 months ago

so far the best challah I’ve made, my family enjoys every week

Ruthie Gunsberg
Ruthie Gunsberg
1 year ago

what size cups do you use 200 or 250ml?

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Goldy Admin
Reply to  Ruthie Gunsberg
1 year ago

A cup is 8 oz.

Mally K-E
Mally K-E
1 year ago

ez to follow recipe and yummy results. a no fail spelt challah.

Tzivi Hoch
Tzivi Hoch
2 years ago

This recipe looks identical to “Simple Spelt Challah” but the amounts of some of the ingredients are different (oil, salt). Which recipe is correct? Thank you!