
Recipe by Faigy Grossman

Bright And Crispy Lettuce-Cabbage Salad

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
6 Servings

No Allergens specified

My mother enthusiastically told me about this delicious salad she tried — two for one and oh-so-pretty to present! I love the idea that you can use this for two different seudos during this hectic time of year, yet it looks fresh and different each time.


Cabbage Slaw

  • 1 (8-oz./225-g.) bag shredded red cabbage

  • 1/2 cup shredded carrots

  • 1 small yellow pepper, diced


  • 2 tablespoons water

  • 1 teaspoon salt

Lettuce Salad

  • 1 (8-oz./225-g.) bag romaine lettuce, shredded

  • 1 mango, peeled and diced

  • 1 and 1/2 – 2 cups reserved slaw


Prepare the Salad


For the slaw: Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl.


Place dressing ingredients in a separate bowl and stir until well combined. Set aside a third of the dressing for the second salad. Pour remaining dressing into cabbage mixture and mix until fully coated. Allow to marinate for one to two hours.


For the lettuce salad: Place lettuce into a large, shallow salad bowl. Top with diced mango and reserved slaw. Sprinkle generously with veggie sticks. Drizzle with reserved dressing.

Prepare the Salad

Yields 2 salads, each serves about 6


Food and Prop Styling: Renee Muller
Photography: Moshe Wulliger

Bright And Crispy Lettuce-Cabbage Salad

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Miri Sigel
Miri Sigel
9 months ago

do you make the coleslaw and then add it on top of the lettuce?

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