
Recipe by Sina Mizrahi

Barbecue Meatballs with Ptitim

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Meat Meat
Medium Medium
6 Servings
45 Minutes

No Diets specified

Meatballs are infinitely versatile; they can be filled with lots of vegetables (think chopped carrots and celery) and they can be dressed in different sauces. They can be made with ground chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, or veal (or even a combination). I hope these six meatball variations inspire you in the kitchen to reinvent this dinner staple. My basic recipe yields 35 1-inch balls.


Main ingredients

  • 35 1-inch meatballs, uncooked (recipe)

  • 3 tablespoons oil, divided

  • 2 cups Gefen BBQ Sauce or other barbecue sauce

  • 4 cups Gefen Couscous or other ptitim (Israeli couscous)

  • 4 and 1/2 cups boiled water

  • 1 onion, diced

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper


Cook the Meatballs


To prepare meatballs, preheat oven to broil. Set rack about four inches from heat source. Oil a baking dish large enough to fit all the meatballs and place them inside. Broil for 10 to 12 minutes, turning the meatballs every four to five minutes, until fully cooked. Pour over the BBQ sauce while the meatballs are still hot.


To prepare ptitim, heat oil in a large saucepan over a medium flame. Add onions and sauté until translucent. Add ptitim and coat in oil. Pour in hot water and bring to a boil. Season with salt and pepper. Stir and cover. Reduce to a simmer and cook until all the water has been absorbed.


Serve ptitim warm with the meatballs on top.

Cook the Meatballs

Mix up a batch of my Basic Meatballs, and then continue cooking here.

Barbecue Meatballs with Ptitim

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Baruch Weiss
Baruch Weiss
3 years ago

how can I make for two people?

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Chaya Stamm
Chaya Stamm
7 years ago

Sauce? When do you put on the sauce?

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Reply to  Chaya Stamm
7 years ago

Once the meatballs are cooked.

Sussie Eckstein
Sussie Eckstein
2024 years ago

didnt say what to do with the barbeque sauce