
Recipe by Chayie Schlisselfeld

Baked Turkey Meatballs

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
4 Servings
45 Minutes

Growing up as an only girl had lots of perks. Having my own room was a nice one…but my favorite perk was being the first one home in the afternoon, when my brothers were still in yeshivah. It was nice quality time that I got to spend alone with my mother, enjoying the hot supper that had been simmering on the stove top.


During that time, one of my favorite suppers was spaghetti and meatballs. One time, my mother made a different version for a simchah, but I didn’t want any change; I wanted the regular delicious meatballs I had always enjoyed, with my mother sitting at the table asking me about my day.



Sweet Tomato Sauce

Cranberry Glaze

  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar


Prepare the Meatballs


Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare a baking sheet and spray with nonstick cooking spray.


Combine ground turkey with eggs, bread crumbs, and spices. Shape into golf- ball-sized balls and place on prepared baking sheet. Bake uncovered for 25 minutes.

Prepare the Meatballs

Yields 25 meatballs

For the Sweet Tomato Sauce


In a small pot, combine tomato sauce and brown sugar. Bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and simmer for five minutes.


Pour into small serving bowl.

For the Cranberry Glaze


In a small bowl, mix together tomato sauce, cranberry sauce, garlic powder, and brown sugar.


Serve both sauces alongside meatballs.

Baked Turkey Meatballs

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Gitty Weinberger
Gitty Weinberger
7 years ago

can I do this with a sauce that doesn’t involve tomato sauce or katsup?? Hi, I love the turkey balls part of the recipe, but my husband doesn’t really go for tomato or Kastsupy sauces. Any other ideas for sauces to go with this recipe??

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Avital Berkowitz
Avital Berkowitz
3 years ago

The sauce is very sweet, the turkey balls are absolutely delicious!