
Recipe by Faigy Murray

Apple Crumble Cake

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
12 Servings

Every year I would make loads of honey cake. Cuz you know honey cake and Rosh Hashana are a must! But I realized my family doesn’t care for honey cake. But this apple crumb cake they love! While I was taking photos of this cake I had to keep shooing my daughter away. She kept “tasting” the crumbs! It’s that good!!



  • 2 eggs

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1 cup oil

  • 1 cup milk (I used almond, such as Gefen Almond Milk, to keep it parve)


  • 1/3 – 1/2 cup oil

  • 1 medium apple, peeled and diced small


Prepare the Apple Crumble Cake


In a bowl, mix all the cake batter ingredients together. Pour into a very well greased tube pan. (I used a bundt and kept the cake upside down.)


In a separate bowl, mix together the crumbs ingredients. You want it to have the consistency of wet sand, so if it’s dry just add some more oil.


Sprinkle the apple crumbs on top of the batter.


Bake for 40-45 minutes.


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Farhenheit.


This recipe freezes well.
Apple Crumble Cake

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Virginia Ellen Perkins
Virginia Ellen Perkins
9 months ago

I am gluten free. I made this cake using Bob’s Red Mill 1-to1 flour and extra virgin olive oil. This is a wonderfully moist, tender, and very flavorful cake. I received rave reviews every time it was served. I have an electric oven. The cake cooked as expected.

Ariella Sinnreich
Ariella Sinnreich
9 months ago

FYI this took significantly longer to bake than the instructions stated, over an hour altogether.

Jill Hymowitz
Jill Hymowitz
9 months ago
3 years ago

Removing from pan How do you remove it from the pan with the crumbs on top without the crumbs all falling off?

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Reply to  Laura
3 years ago

Hi! First, use a plastic knife and loosen the cake around the sides of the pan so it can slide out easily. Take a plate to cover the top and flip the whole thing over- then lift off the pan, put your cake serving platter on top, and flip again. We have a how-to video of this in our Instagram highlights- https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17856066056172502/

Ruchie werzberger
Ruchie werzberger
Reply to  Laura
9 months ago

What a flop I never messed up on a cake so bad abd thus was suppose to b easy I baked for 44 min and turned it upside down to cool entire cake fell out and was not ready

3 years ago

Want to try a different pan I want to use a sheet pan instead of a tube pan. Would it be for the same temperature and for how long? Thank you….Barbara

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Reply to  Barbara
3 years ago

You can try using a sheet pan – baking time will definitely need to be adjusted – same 350 but I’d keep watching it after 15 minutes until it looks ready.

3 years ago

The cake was very tasty, however it did not come out looking like the picture. The cake layer rose a lot higher and ‘broke-through’ the apple crumble layer.

Bayla Meltzer
Bayla Meltzer
2024 years ago

Delicious! This makes a lovely dense cake which we love. Not fluffy and airy. I actually forgot to add the apple topping when baking so ended up with this really nice vanilla cinnamon cake which I proceeded to glaze with caramel sauce. It was a big hit. But next time I will surely add the apple topping! LOL
Made it a second time with the crumble topping and truthfully prefer the cake without it. I did 1/2 apple sauce and 1/2 oil for the batter.

2024 years ago

Delicious! Turned out perfect. Doubled the recipe and made one in a 9 by 13 pan and that came out great too!