
Recipe by Bruchy Duschinsky

1 Batter, 4 Layer Surprise

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Easy Easy
6 Servings

These miniatures are the perfect thing for the men to have a l’chaim with and for the women to admire and maybe take a bite or two.


1 Batter and 4 Layer Surprise

  • 3 tablespoons Gefen Cocoa

  • instant hot cocoa mix

  • a few squares of bittersweet chocolate

  • your favorite toppings (optional)


Prepare the 1 Batter, 4 Layer Surprise


Blend eggs, baking powder, wine, oil, sugar, and flour with a hand blender. Pour half of the batter into an 8×10. Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit, till about done.


Add three tablespoons cocoa into the half of the batter you left in the bowl. Blend.


Remove cake from oven and smear a layer of powdered instant hot cocoa mix (this will melt into the cream when baked between the layers. So slather it on as thick as you would like your cream to be—but not too thick—in powder form; don’t add water).


Pour the brown cocoa batter on top of the layer of instant hot cocoa mix. Return the pan to the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes until done.


Top the cake with a few squares of bittersweet chocolate. Return the cake to the oven and allow it to sit in the warm, shut oven with a closed door for 10 minutes. It will cause the chocolate squares to melt.


Remove cake and smear the melted chocolate evenly over cake. You can enjoy it as is, or top immediately with coconut, nut crunch, or anything else to give it an exotic twist.


Photo and Styling by Yossi and Malky Levine

1 Batter, 4 Layer Surprise

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stern stern
stern stern
11 months ago

what is instant hot cocoa mix? is it regular drinking cocoa??
thank you

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Reply to  stern stern
11 months ago

Instant cocoa mix already has sugar and usually dry milk powder in it. All you need to do to it is add water and you get a creamy hot cocoa.