The Passover Cleaning Checklist You Need This Year

Categories: Organization and Cleaning

Rachel Kor April 3, 2020

Well, the big week is almost here. For most of us it’s the time we start our deep-dive into Passover cleaning. (Don’t worry, we still have Shabbos to enjoy first.)

Whether it’s your first or fiftieth time cleaning and kashering for Passover, it can get daunting and hard to remember everything there is to do.

As usual, we want to be there for you! We’ve created this simple checklist which includes everything that needs cleaning, so there’s no scratching your head or second guessing.

Download Printable here!

We hope this checklist helps you get through Passover cleaning with as little stress as possible.

And for anyone looking for a cooking timeline, we have that too! Check out our No-Stress Prep – Your Pre-Holiday Timeline from Turnover to Passover!


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