
Not Enough Room On Your Seder Table? We Have The Perfect Solution.

Categories: Passover

Kosher.com Staff March 23, 2023

It may seem like Passover is a month or so away, but believe it or not, we’re approaching the “less than 2 weeks away” mark!

Here at kosher.com, we want to prepare you for the inevitable. We have an entire guide on everything you need to make “Passover Possible,” which includes menus, recipes, shoppables, cleaning guides, kids crafts, articles for first-time Passover hosts, and so much more.

Today we’re helping you out in the Seder table department. No, not decor, but a problem we ALL face!


Between the Seder plate, Seder plate foods, matzo board, wine glasses, and Haggadahs, it can get really crowded on the table.

We found 2 solutions for you. Let’s take a look below!

1. Acrylic Folding Table


This folding table is perfect for placing next to the head of the Seder table. It provides just the right amount of extra surface space for foods, cups, wine, napkins etc. without taking up too much floor space. We love that it’s made of clear acrylic and will therefore match any dining room decor. When the Seder is over, just fold it up so it’s out of the way.

2. Acrylic Easel Stand

Now that we’ve got the head of the table less cluttered, let’s focus our attention to each place setting. The plates, napkins, glasses, cups, and Haggadahs take up a lot of room. So why not use all that vertical space and prop those haggadahs on mini easels?

These are perfect in size, color, and price. They fold, making them easy to store year-round.

There you have it! Two simple yet genius ways to make things run more smoothly during your Seders.

If you end up using one or both of these products, let us know how it turned out!

Chag Sameach!


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D. Schiff
D. Schiff
1 year ago

Where can these items be purchased please?

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Goldy Admin
Reply to  D. Schiff
1 year ago

The items are linked!