MyKosher Kids Contest: Everything You Need To Know!

Categories: Cooking and Baking Staff April 26, 2020

We received close to 900 recipes in just 3 weeks from our MyKosher contest back in February, which proved what we already knew: Our readers are very passionate about food and cooking!


After the overwhelming response we received, we have decided to launch a second MyKosher contest, this time FOR KIDS!


That’s right kids, we want YOU to submit a video of yourself cooking something creative in the kitchen. You can cook anything you’d like, as long as you have fun doing it!



Through MyKosher Kids, you get the opportunity to share your own personal recipes with family, friends, and foodie fans around the world. And what’s more, every cooking video you submit is another chance to win prizes.


A few details to keep in mind before entering your cooking video in the contest:



YOU can win the following prizes!


Grand prize: Motorized Vehicle

Your choice of either a standing electric scooter, motorized Jeep toy or electric Vespa.


In addition to the grand prize, you have the chance to win one of our three smaller awards, each with their own exciting prizes:


1) “Chef-in-training”

2) “Kitchen Genius”

3) “Fabulous Foodie”


Submit your video here by May 7th!


And remember — the MyKosher Kids contest is for every kind of recipe and every kind of cook. In other words, this means you! 


We are so excited to see your cooking videos and share them with our readers. Let’s get cooking!


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4 years ago

When do we see the winning entries? This looks like it will be adorable! When will we be able to see the winning entries and see who the winners are?

Reply to  Rena
4 years ago

Hi, once voting opens up on we will let everyone know and at the end of the voting, the winners will be announced!

Annonymous Smithe
Annonymous Smithe
Reply to  Raquel
4 years ago

Never. No one will ever win because its mathematically impossible to actually watch all the videos in 4 days (close to 40 hrs of watching!) and figure out who’s the best. Instead, this is a contest about who’s mommy and daddy have the most followers on instagram and how aggressively they begged people to vote for their child. Thank you for the wonderful activity for our children during this time but the “judging” aspect needs to be reworked to keep the title “contest” and not election.

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