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Making “Magical Tea Moments” with Wissotzky Tea

Goldy Buxbaum December 17, 2023

Sponsored by Wissotzky

Some things in life are based on facts and some on stories, feelings, and memories. I’m being vague here, so I’ll just say it: “Teatime is we time!” Tea is the drink that absorbs memories, conversations, laughter, joy, and pain. It’s the beverage that is sipped with friends, family, and loved ones. The warmth that envelopes tea is not factual — it’s sensual.

I always knew this to be true about tea, and I wondered if it was only my tea experience. So, I asked a couple of friends about their favorite tea moment, their tea story. And just like that, out came all their lovely nostalgic and magical tea moments.

Tea is a gift, and with the upcoming season of gifting, what could be better than gifting with tea?

Here are all the reasons teatime is we time!

As one friend commented, “Die-hard tea lovers never drink their tea chilled, always hot.” Her grandfather would heat his tea glass before filling it so the glass wouldn’t cool the tea.

“Teatime is cozy family time, huddled together, feeling like a grown-up and loading your cup with sugar when the adults looked away.”

“Especially on those long Friday nights, sitting around the dining room table, everyone sipping from their individually-ordered tea, schmoozing till the morning hours as if nothing else mattered outside their intimate conversations,” recalled another friend.

Drinking tea isn’t only about the memories. Tea has special powers, a hint of magic almost.

Tea can teach us so much about our unique gifts, like the friend who was privileged to be the one to prepare her grandfather’s tea after the Friday night meal. “It was my special thing,” she says, and with it, her special memory. “And now, I keep my mother’s favorite tea in the house, and the children know Bubby’s here when they smell it brewing.”

Tea has the power to bond a father and daughter even after she leaves the nest and establishes a home of her own. “My daughter enjoys the special tea essence her father prepares with her favorite tea every time she comes for Shabbat.”

Tea can also teach us lessons of unbelievable humility and seeing beyond ourselves.

“My grandparents drank tea together three times a day. Surely, they had a special bond over that cup. The amazing part is that after my grandmother passed away, my grandfather stopped drinking tea. When I offered to make him a cup of tea, he admitted he wasn’t particularly fond of tea and only drank it with my grandmother since she wouldn’t drink tea alone! ‘Tea is a social drink,’ she said. For almost 70 years he drank tea with his wife, for his wife. Unbelievable!”

Another friend remarked, “When I was in college, the dorm father would go around the table collecting tea orders that he prepared for all of us after the Friday night meal. I suspect that one of the reasons for doing it all on his own was to avoid anyone mistakenly transgressing on the issur of bishul (cooking on Shabbat). His quiet, unassuming behavior spoke volumes.”

Sometimes, it’s the simple memories that make teatime so special.

“Tea with cousins at grandma’s house with an extra dose or five of sugar.”

“Long winter nights cuddled on the couch with a steaming cup of tea.”

“The warm memory of breakfast with my bubby, who added just another spoonful of sugar every time she stirred her tea while schmoozing with us grandchildren.”

Another friend shared vivid memories of driving five hours to visit her great-grandmother. “She always greeted us the same way: with tea in delicate china cups on saucers with a linzer cookie on the side. The protocol was for us children to politely ask how she was doing and then sit quietly while the adults conversed.”

Yet another friend fondly recalls, “Sitting in the lounge in the college dorm, sans social media and phone distractions, sipping from giant mugs of tea, taking the moment to pause and appreciate spending time with friends.”

I know these stories are making you crave a hot cup of tea and bringing back some inviting, fond moments for you. And if you haven’t built those memories yet, it’s sure to make you start a new tea tradition for yourself.

And it’s not only for you! You can give the gift of memories, happiness, and meaningful conversations with this holiday red Wissotzky Tea Set or this sophisticated holiday black Wissotzky Tea Set.

Everyone has a tea story, what’s yours? Better yet, what will yours be?

Start building memories with Wissotzky.


As the founder of Slay Copy Inc, Goldy Buxbaum helps business service providers reach more clients by combining business strategy with web writing. Check her out on Linkedin to see how you can grow your business.


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