Shailah of the Week by Rabbi Zvi Nussbaum
Rabbinic Coordinator, Kosher Hotline Administrator for the Orthodox Union
Can I participate in the new Turkey Hill Experience?
Absolutely. As of August 1, 2019, the Turkey Hill Experience is a kosher facility certified under the Orthodox Union (OU) with a mashgiach visiting the facility.
It’s a great kosher family outing! The Turkey Hill Experience consists of interactive exhibits allowing you to learn about dairy culture, the story of Turkey Hill Dairy, and how the company’s ice cream and iced tea flavors are selected and created. You will truly experience what it’s like to be a Turkey Hill Dairy ice cream maker for a day, including the opportunity to create your own virtual ice cream flavor. In addition, you can sit in a vintage milk truck, milk mechanical cows, star in your very own Turkey Hill commercial, and enjoy plenty of free samples of iced tea and ice cream! The Turkey Hill Experience is in Columbia, PA – right near Lancaster County. Please note the following:
• Ice Cream Tasting: OU-D (not chalav yisrael). Parve ices are available upon request.
• Tap ‘a Tea: All beverages in dispensers are parve.
• Taste Lab A: Not chalav yisrael, all inclusions, variegates and flavors are under supervision.
• Taste Lab B: Not chalav yisrael, all inclusions, variegates and flavors are under supervision.
• Tea Discovery: All teas prepared in Tea Discovery are parve. The pretzels are not pas yisrael.
For more information on the Turkey Hill Experience, visit
For more information, please visit or call 212-613-8241.