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How to Cook for Passover in 3 Days: Ready, Set, Go!

Esther Pransky March 30, 2020

It’s like the difference between a marathon and a sprint.

Cook for Pesach for weeks or pack it into three days.

Either way is possible, but you need a strategy.

And whether this was your plan from the get-go or you had to change your plans last minute, here are some tips and tricks for a Pesach-In-Three-Days sprint.

We’re going to make this article quick because we know you need to get back to kitchen FAST:

1. Plan ahead –

This almost goes without saying, but we’re going to say it anyway: plan BEFORE you start cooking. Make your menu and shopping list in advance for the entire cooking spree.

When you’re in cooking mode, you don’t want to take a break to run out to the store.

2. Be strategic –

In a Pesach kitchen, not only is time at a premium but often space is, too.

Besides planning WHAT you’re making, also plan WHEN you’re making it. That way, you can rotate oven/burner/counter/appliance/utensil space. There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck with idle time because the kitchen space you need is taken.

Plus, you can be more efficient. If you have a few recipes that need a mixer/blender/food processor, you can do them at the same time, saving washing and schlepping time.

3. Buy what you can –

This is definitely not the time to recreate Bubby Goldie’s famous homemade mayonnaise. If you use ready-made products, check out all the sauces and spice mixes on the market.

If you can get KFP baby carrots or already cut fresh veggies, use them, or buy frozen.

4. Don’t experiment –

As much as you can, go with the tried and true, so you know what to expect and can accurately predict ingredients and time. The best recipes are often your all-year-round favorites that are naturally chometz-free or easy to adapt.

5. Easy recipes –

Stay away from “adorable,” “individual,” and “mini.” They can wait for chol hamoed.

–   If you’re baking, choose bars/cakes over cookies, and no separating and beating eggs.

–   Don’t stand and fry individual latkes or chicken cutlets; oven-fry them on a cookie sheet all at once.

–   Go for low effort, one-pan, crowd-pleasers like these Kosher.com classics:

6. Get help –

Although we can usually depend on outside family members and guests to help us in the kitchen, this year that’s not recommended. Instead, get your spouse or older kids to help out with the cooking. But make sure the help is helpful.


– Give out the least skilled jobs like peeling potatoes and chopping veggies. More difficult jobs will have you spending as much time giving instructions as you would have spent doing it yourself.

– Too many people in the kitchen can cause gridlock. Sometimes it’s better to let your helpers take care of other essential jobs like making beds, cleaning, or watching the little kids so you can run the kitchen without interruption.

Do you want more ideas? Here are more tips and tricks for efficient cooking.

And however daunting it may seem, be confident that you can do it!

Cooking for Pesach weeks in advance is a new idea. As your Bubby would surely tell you, they didn’t know from Pesach kitchens, and they still fed their families each Pesach. And you can, too!

Not sure what to cook first? Check out this helpful, step-by-step Passover Calendar. It lays out everything that needs to happen each day from Motzei Shabbos right to when Passover begins, so you don’t have to think twice.


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