

Shabbat Menu- For Citrus Lovers

Kosher.com Staff February 25, 2021

Last night, while at my grandmother’s impromptu BBQ, I couldn’t stop talking about how good the guacamole was. What was the big deal? She looked at me and said, “Seriously!? It’s just fresh squeezed lemon!”

Sometimes I need to remind myself to appreciate the simple things. Just a hefty squeeze of a lemon and the right amount of salt can turn guacamole into the most amazing thing I ate that day. When something is done right, I never get tired of it. When you focus on simple but bold flavors, you literally do not need anything else.

Summer is slipping through our fingers. Instead of making that complicated, multi-step dish you wanted to try, just squeeze a little lemon on your protein, salad, or even on a dessert like a pound cake, and enjoy that simple satisfaction.

Happy Cooking!



Julienned Vegetable Citrus-Glazed Salmon by Elky Friedman

This dish is full of flavor, presents beautifully, and is easy to make! It will become a favorite Shabbat menu addition that works all year round!


Orange Juice Roast by Julie Hauser

This roast is moist, delicious, and takes minutes to prepare! Simply combine the ingredients and throw into your crockpot – it’s perfect!


Orange Bourbon-Infused Grilled Chicken by Faigy Grossman

This chicken is so unique and tasty – it’s super succulent and different from classic grilled chicken with intense and delicious bursts of flavor!


Citrusy Green Beans by Brynie Greisman

These green beans are an unforgettable dish that you will enjoy preparing, serving, and eating. They are infused with a light citrus flavor that’s perfectly complemented by the delicious crunch on top!


Limonana Sorbet by Brynie Greisman

Limonana is such a flavorful and delicious that’s very enjoyable and refreshing for a hot summer Shabbat!


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