
Can I Purchase Slurpees at a 7-Eleven?

Categories: Shailah of the Week

OU Kosher July 3, 2019

Shailah of the Week by Rabbi Zvi Nussbaum, 
Rabbinic Coordinator, Kosher Hotline Administrator for the Orthodox Union


The summer season is upon us and your child may ask you for a Slurpee at a 7-Eleven store. The OU certifies a number of Coca-Cola syrups that are used in Slurpees. To purchase Slurpees, it is necessary to verify two things: Is the syrup made by Coca-Cola, and is the specific syrup OU certified?



Irrespective of store claims, one can only be certain that a Coca-Cola syrup is used by checking the label on the syrup box. However, the Coca-Cola labels on syrup boxes do not bear an OU symbol. One can check the list of all OU-certified Fountain Frozen Syrups on the OU website.


If uncertain about a particular Coca-Cola syrup, one can verify its certification status by calling the OU Kosher office at 212-613-8241, emailing kosherq@ou.org or by checking special tags that are sometimes displayed on the Slurpee machine that display the Coca-Cola logo and an OU.


View Kosher Slurpee List.


Enjoy your Kosher Slurpee.




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