Another Use For Kosher Airline Meals

Categories: Kosher News

Alexander Rapaport April 2, 2020

Every year, Masbia hosts in-house seders along with eight days of holiday meals at Masbia of Boro Park. This year, the meals are cancelled due to the social distancing rules to prevent further outbreak.


We did some quick strategic thinking and ordered thousands of ready to eat kosher-for-Passover airline meals at a discount, as they are not useful to the airlines right now (as we were featured in the New York Times. While not serving in-house meals, we are actually anticipating to feed many more people than usual, due to the crisis. The general demand is up 500% in the last few weeks.



The demand is like never before! All the people who would normally need food for Pesach, quarantined and ill people who need groceries, and people who need cooked meals.


Masbia has gotten a matching grant, any funds you donate TODAY will be doubled! An anonymous donor has offered to match Passover donations made before April 3rd dollar-for-dollar — up to $108,000! Donate to our Passover campaign to help us fund these urgent needs.


People will go hungry unless we can get them food!


Total cost – $216,000 for 2,000 families currently in crisis relying on Masbia. This is the bare minimum needed. The more we raise, the more we can distribute to those struggling. Requests for help are over the 4,000-family range.


Together, we could raise $216,000 towards feeding the needy for Passover this year.


Don’t let this opportunity slip away. Help us max out the donor’s matching offer so that we can provide the most we can.



Here’s the work your donation will go towards:


Passover Grocery Packages


Our grocery packages help working-poor and single-parent households in crisis provide for their families with dignity.


Packages for a family of 4 cost approximately $108/family.


COVID-19 Emergency Quarantine Packages


Ensure the elderly and poor will have access to food while in a 14-day quarantine. Unlike our regular packages, which serve as supplementary supplies, these packages must include all food needed for the 2-week period. Packages will be kosher-for-Passover and enough to last 14 days. These packages will cost $350/person.


Kosher-for-Passover Meals


Served at our Boro Park location throughout the Holiday. Due to the extra Kashrut oversight and rising costs of kosher-for-Passover food, the average meal costs $72 (over 1.5  times the cost of a normal Masbia Shabbos meal!) and the entire Passover in-house overhead cost of $50,000.


Help us transform this Passover from a bitter struggle to a sweet, enjoyable time for the over 50,000 individuals who rely on our distribution and kitchen.


Any amount you can give is appreciated. We are all in this together.


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