
3-Ingredient Tu Bishvat Flower Planters

Categories: Tu Bishvat

Rachel Kor January 30, 2023

We couldn’t close out the Tu Bishvat season without just one more craft for your kids to enjoy. This one only requires a few ingredients and will keep the kids busy for a while! 


The flowers were crafted using Heaven & Earth taffies and a round piping tip. The “dirt” is made from crushed cookie sandwiches, and the planters were made with everyone’s favorite, Kineret Frozen Chocolate Chip Cookies. (Is there anything these cookies can’t do?)



Heaven & Earth Lil Taffies come in so many amazing flavors and colors. Feel free to use them to make your own plant, tree, and flower creations!


Here’s what you’ll need:




Mini muffin tins
Rolling pin
Round decorating dip (or very small circle cookie cutters)
Lollipop sticks






1 box Kineret Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Haddar Sandwich Cookies, crushed
Heaven and Earth Lil Taffy candies

Baking spray




1. Start by making the cookie planters/cups. Grease a mini muffin pan with baking spray and place balls of cookie dough in each. (The cookie dough should be straight from the freezer for best results.) Bake for 12 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and let it sit for 5 minutes.



2. Using the handle of a rolling pin, make an indentation in the center of each cookie. Let the cookie cups cool and harden for 15-20 minutes before removing from the pan.



3. To make the taffy flowers, remove a Lil Taffy from the packaging and microwave for 3 to 4 seconds (only!) on a piece of parchment paper. Add another piece of parchment paper on top of the taffy and gently roll it out with a rolling pin. (You can do this step while the cookie cups are baking.)



4. Cut circles out of the taffy for the flower petals. I used the large side for the petals and the top of the tip for the center of the flowers.



5. Gently pinch the bottom of each taffy circle to form a petal shape. Attach them together by pressing gently. Repeat with as many flowers and colored taffies as you’d like.



6. Attach each flower to a lollipop stick.



7. Assemble the cookie cups by filling them with crushed cookies and sticking the lollipop stick in the center.


Tip: To make the flowers sturdier, add chocolate spread filling to the center of the cookie cup before filling with the crushed cookies.


Tip: Microwaving the taffies ever so slightly warms them up and makes them easier to work with. Don’t let them go any longer or they will melt!




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2 years ago

Great Activity WE did this last night. Was so creative and fun!

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